18 and Paddled at School for the very 1st time

Knowing she is about to be paddled

Entering the office to be paddled

She transferred from a West coast school to a school in Oklahoma, the summer before her senior year, as a result of her dad getting a new job.  She still remembers sitting in the office as her mom filled out all of the paperwork to enroll her in this high school that seemed so foreign to her.  Her mom smiled a little as she signed one piece of paper in particular and told her daughter that she better be good at this school.  She saw that the paper was labeled “corporal punishment authorization”.  She was honestly confused by what that meant.  She thought that is could mean spanking, but assumed she must be confused.  That night she looked it up on the and realized that it did mean spanking.

Bent over waiting to be paddled at school

Bending in over in her tight jeans for a school paddling

She asked her mom why she had signed the form and her mom told her “to keep you out of trouble this year”.  She had never been spanked in her life and could not imagine having some teacher give her a hand spanking at school. Te whole idea seemed quite silly to her and she never gave it a second thought.

Less than three months later she found herself in the principal’s office for the second time that year as a result of multiple tardies.  The first time he had been very understanding as she was a new student and he let her off with a warning.  This time he was quite stern with her and made it clear that he was not happy, especially since he had let her off without being punished last time.

Feeling the sting of the paddle

Feeling the sting of the paddle

He stated that the typical punishment for excessive tardies was three “licks”. This caught her off guard as she did not know what a lick was. She asked him and he clarified that it was three swats with a paddle.  Her heart sank as it all started to become more clear to her.  He opened his drawer and showed her a large wooden paddle, so she would know exactly what he was discussing with her. Her mind went right to the form her mom had filled out and she realized that she may be about to be spanked for the 1st time in her life.

beginning to cry from her school paddling

The paddle brings tears

He began to fill out a form and she found the courage to ask “you are going to hit me three times with that”?  He took a moment and clarified that corporal punishment was to be administered by a same sex staff member, so he would not be paddling her.  He informed her that she would be sent to see the female gym coach during lunch and that she would paddle her.  In addition, she would be receiving three strokes for these tardies and an additional three strokes from the previous tardies.  He saw that offense as a “suspended sentence” and since she did not adjust her behavior, she would receive both paddlings.  With that, all she could do was stare at the paddle on the desk and wonder what that was going to feel like.  He gave her the form and told her where to report to at the beginning of her lunch period.  He reminded her to start getting to class on time.

She tried to focus for the next class period but all she could imagine was what was about to happen.  The lunch bell finally rang, and with the form in hand, and dread in her heart, she walked to the coaches office.  She entered the office and the female coach asked for the form.  In a very matter of fact and almost pleasant way, she stated “OK hun, looks like you have six swats coming, let’s do this quick so you have time for lunch”.  While she was scared to death that she was actually having a conversation that involved someone hitting her bottom with a board, this lady that she had never met before, was being quite nice about the whole thing, so maybe it would not be so bad.

Crying from her school paddling

School Corporal Punishment works

She was instructed to bend over and put her hands on the chair and to not move at all.  The coach then opened a drawer and pulled out a paddle that looked just like the one she had been staring at in the principal’s office.  The coach approached her and once again reminded her that she had “six licks” coming.

She felt the paddle touch her skin tight jeans for a moment, there was a brief pause, and then she heard what sounded like a gunshot go off.  Milliseconds later, the pain from the first swat registered with her brain and she could not believe how much it hurt. She started to stand, but felt the firm touch of the coach pushing her back into position.  She was told “you have to stay still or it will be unsafe”.  The tears began and a moment later the second swat landed on her throbbing bottom.  The tears became full out crying and she begged for the strength to get though four more.  She gripped the chair tight as the next one landed.  She felt the strength being sucked out of her and she wanted to just collapse onto the floor.  The pain was so much more than she could ever have imagined.  Blinded by her tears she suffered through the last three.

A bruised bottom and a lesson learned at school

A bruised bottom and a lesson learned at school

As quickly as it had begun, it was over. She dropped to her knees and cried for a moment.   The coach put the paddle away and was still pleasant with her approach.  She helped the young lady up and said “all right hun, we are all done here.  Get yourself to the bathroom, get cleaned up, and get to lunch”.  She punctuated it all with “I am guessing we will not be meeting under these circumstances again, will we”?  The young lady was quite surprised at how easily she found the words that she rarely had used before…”yes Ma’am”.

This story was told using the images from a spanking video in which Sarah is paddled to tears in a school paddling recreation, from the member’s area of Realspankings.com, the most realistic school paddling videos ever filmed.

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School Paddling in the Lunge Position

Assuming the lunge position for her school paddling

In the many states in America in which school corporal punishment is still utilized, there are various positions used when a young lady receives a paddling.

Cheerleader paddled at school

Being bent over a desk in the school principal’s office is one of the most common.  For paddlings that occur in the hallway, being administered by a teacher, high school students are often required to grab their ankles or put their hands on their knees.

Paddled in the office

When a heavy wooden school paddle is being used, the young lady should indeed be bent in some way, as it raises her tailbone and gets it out of the way for the paddling.

Paddled in gym class on her panties

A quite unique position that is used less often is the lunge position.  This position serves many purposes and is quite effective.  When a serious lesson must be taught and a severe paddling is required, this position allows the young lady more stability with her stance.  If she was simply grabbing her ankles, an extra hard swat with the paddle could knock her forward.  In the lunge position her hands are on the ground and it would be very difficult for her to fall forward, even with the largest paddle and hardest swing.

A stable position for a serious paddling

When laying over a desk and a serious swat is applied to her 18 year old bottom, it is almost standard reaction to put the hands back.  This poses a safety issues as we would never want to strike her hands with the paddle.  With her hands on the floor supporting much of her weight, it makes it impossible for her hands to get in the way during her paddling.

Another reason is that the position is quite uncomfortable and does not allow her to relax the slightest bit before, during, or after her paddling.  Nothing reminds a young lady of her actions prior to a school paddling than having to assume the lunge position and stick her tight bottom high into the air for a paddling.

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Paddled at School Together

Paddled at school with a friend

Most schools have very detailed corporal punishment policies that spell out exactly how a school paddling is to take place.  Often is requires a same sex teacher or administrator to administer the paddling.  Some policies require a witness to be present, and other policies state that a student shall not be paddled in front of another student.

waiting for the first swat

They exchange a look knowing how much this 1st swat is going to hurt.

There are however, situation that call for the discipline of a student in front of others.  Sometimes it is required when a large group has not been on their best behavior and an example needs to be set.  Nothing serves as a better deterrent than to see a young lady brought up to the front of the classroom for a hard paddling to tears. This makes it very easy for other students to wonder exactly how bad it hurts, and at the very least make them pledge to themselves that they never want to find out.

Butts in the air waiting to be paddled

Bent and waiting for their school paddling

One of the biggest reasons to apply a school paddling in the presence of other students is if they are all being paddled. It has often been said that girls who play together must pay together and this stands true in the school environment. If three girls all decide to skip school together and have a day of fun instead of learning, then it makes sense that they should all have to line up, place their hands on their knees, and have their little bottoms paddled as a group.  There is no reason to give them the courtesy of a private paddling in the Principal’s office.  Being paddled in front of your friends is more

They take turns getting a school paddling

embarrassing.  Each girl wants to act tough, but as the searing pain of each severe swats burns into her bottom, it becomes hard to hold back the tears. One by one, they each scream out as the principal moves down the line.  Just when they think it’s over they realize that she has moved to the end of the line and is giving them each another round with the paddle.  As they leave the office, each with a very bruised bottoms they share that look that says that they will not be skipping school anymore.  With tears still in their eyes, they walk back to class, a very real lesson having been learned as a result of a school paddling.

These group school paddling scenes come from the videos in the member’s areas of:
Spanking Teen Jessica
Spanking Teen Brandi

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Paddling High School Cheerleaders

Paddled cheerleaders

Sent to the principal for a paddling

High school cheerleaders have many things going for them.  They are typically very popular, quite beautiful, athletic, and they get a lot of respect and admiration from the rest of the student body. They are often on display for all of the school to see and as a result are viewed as role models.  With this type of attention they are often held to a very high

bent for the paddle

Bent over waiting for her paddling

standard.  In many Southern states these young ladies are not only held to a higher standard, but are often subjected to harsher discipline than the typical female student might receive.  It is not uncommon

Paddled to tears at school

A hard paddling makes her cry hard.

for a member of the cheer squad to receive corporal punishment in the school setting.  Not only may a principal or vice principal paddle a school cheerleader’s bottom, but in many cases the cheer coach is authorized to apply the paddle as she sees fit.  The coaches know each girl very well and know the amount of discipline required to get results.  Six-eight hard swats with their skirts lifted in not uncommon.

cheerleaders paddled together

Waiting their turns as they watch a paddling take place.

Being that they spend so very much time together, working out, practicing, even showering and changing, they do not always get the same type of privacy afforded to others students when they are paddled.  When they get in trouble together they are often punished together.  Many a times there have been several cheerleaders lined up together, hands on their knees or their ankles, as the cheer coach goes down the line with a large wooden paddle.

grabbing her ankles for a paddling

Cries of pain as the paddle teaches a lesson

The skirt provides far too much protection, but underneath they were their little spanky panties, which by design are meant to be seen.  While it is very rare for any student to have to raise their skirt for a school paddling, for a cheerleader it is almost mandatory.  Whether in the privacy of the school office or in the group setting of the locker room or gymnasium, the skirts always comes up prior to a good and hard paddling.

skirt up for a paddling

Cheerleader paddling from the principal

These girls are school leaders and the lessons they learn must be long lasting. A couple of soft swats as a deterrent will simply not do the trick.  Most of these girls are used to muscle soreness, injuries, and they general pain of being athletes, so extra effort needs to be put into each punishment to make sure a long lasting impression is made.

very bruised bottom from a school paddling

She checks her bottom after her paddling.

If you grew up in the South and went to a pep rally or high school football game, when you saw the cheerleader tossed in the air, in which her skirt came up and you could see her little spanky panties, there is a good chance that she was hiding a little something. Just as with the young lady on the left, a good hard paddling leaves a very sore and bruised bottom.  Real lessons are learned the hard way, and for Southern high school cheerleaders, this means raising your skirt, grabbing your ankles, and holding on tight while theirs bottoms are paddled long and hard.  Depending on their parents, this could have been just the beginning. For many young ladies, paddled at school meant coming home and getting paddled again by mom or dad.  All of the pictures in this post come from the member’s area of Realspankings.com.  For every picture you see, there is a full video of the cheerleader’s paddling, filmed from two different angles.

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How Hard of a School Paddling is Required to Teach a Real Lesson?

Her face show the pain of her paddling

When a young lady is sent to the school office, or possible taken out into the hallway, for discipline which utilizes corporal punishment, how hard of a paddling is required to teach her a good lesson? The punishment should certainly fit the … Read the rest of this entry

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Waiting to be Paddled can be the Worst Part

Waiting to have their bottoms paddled

About to have their bottoms paddled

For many students it is the anticipation of having their bottom paddled that is the worst part for them.  Just the thought of the thick wooden paddle, being applied forcefully to their butt, is enough to get the tears started.

Waiting for the paddle

Made to wait, knowing the paddle is next

Many educators use this fear and apprehension to their advantage to add an additional element to the punishment to make sure a real lesson is learned.  Having a conference with the student, informing her that she is to be paddled, and then sending her back out of the office to wait can be a powerful thing.  It gives her time to consider what she has done.

fear and apprehension

Holding back the tears as she waits

It allows her to contemplate exactly what the paddle is going to feel like.  She wonders how many licks, how hard will he swing, what will it feel like, will she cry? It gives her time to make promises to herself that she will never misbehave again,  Her friends have described what a paddling is like, she knows it is going to be bad.  Her hands begin to tremble, she has not been spanked since she was little, and never with a large wooden school paddle.

School paddling...the wait

Which paddle will he use?

This is much more effective than just having her stand up and bend over the desk.  She is forced to deal with every emotion and let it all really sink in.  How did she, and 18 year old high school senior, find herself in the position of, in any minute, having to walk into this man’s office, and actually bend over his desk and present her bottom to him? Or could it be worse?  Maybe she will enter his office and he will instruct her to grab her ankles.  Will he paddle her fast and get it all over with?

Three girl school paddling

Who will be next?

Will he take his time between each stroke and draw the whole thing out?  The question on every young ladies’ mind…will he call my parents? Will I get it again at home?  With her mind swirling, dozens of questions in her head, not knowing when it will happen, she always comes back to the central question that she just can’t stop thinking about…how much will it hurt? She tries to convince herself it will not be so bad, but she knows she is lying to herself.  Everyone says it is bad.  He is known for giving the hardest swats.  He does not go easy on the girls, his goal is to administer a punishment that will eliminate undesirable behavior. He is good what he does, he gets results.  His door is opening, he is calling her name…her questions are about to be answered.

The school paddling videos that these photos sets come from are in the member’s areas of:

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School Paddling beyond the Principal’s Office

Paddled cheerleader

She submits to a hard paddling in the principal's office.

School corporal punishment is most often administered by the principal of vice principal of the school.  Many districts require the discipline to take place in the privacy of the school office, often it is also required for a witness to be present.  However, this is not the case with all schools and many have authorized the teachers and coaches to be able to apply a paddle on the spot whenever an infraction occurs.

Paddled in the hall by a teached

Bent over in the hallway to be paddled

As most schools require the paddling to take place out of view of the other students, a teacher will often march the naughty student out into the hallway to administer several hard licks with a school approved paddle.

Hallway corporal punishment

Bent over in the hall for 6 swats.

While a hallway paddling is not seen by other students, it is certainly heard.  Students in all classrooms on that hallway hear the crack of the paddle as it echos throughout the halls.  For the more severe paddlings the sounds of discomfort from the young lady feeling the sting of the paddle on her bottom can also be heard.  The embarrassment she feels as she reenters the classroom, wiping fresh tears from her face, helps assure that she will be on her very best behavior in the future.

School discipline in the stairwell

Strict paddling in the stairwell.

For the most troublesome girls who need a severe paddling for their behavior, sometime privacy is required.  The young lady to the left has been marched into the school stairwell for a paddling she will not soon forget.  She is required to grab her ankles and hold on, as six licks are applied to her exposed bottom.  The privacy of the stairwell muffles the sounds of a paddling of this intensity.

teachers lounge paddling

Taken into the break room for a proper paddling

The poor student to the right has been brought into the teacher’s break room for a quick paddling for improper behavior at school.  She tries her best to maintain her position as the paddle continuously spanks her teen bottom.  Those tight jeans offer little protection and there is no doubt that she will have trouble sitting of the hard woods desks for the remainder of the day.

These pictures come from the full videos of very realistic school corporal punishment recreations in the member’s areas of SpankingTeenJessica and Realspankings.

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Hard School Paddling to Tears

school punishment paddling

Paddled hard by teacher at school

For school corporal punishment to be effective, especially when dealing with the older teens in high school, the paddle must be swung with maximum force.  The student should be properly bent over to assure that the tailbone is never in a place where it can be damaged.  Once the safety of the student being paddled is assured, full force swats with a large wooden school paddle should be applied to lower part of the student’s bottom.  After several swats her bottom will begin to go numb, but rest assured, the final swats will serve as a reminder for the next several days, every time she sits down.  If the paddling is applied properly, regardless of her age, tears should be visible in her eyes.  We want to teach a very real lesson that will not be forgotten anytime soon, therefore reducing any future transgressions.

This picture of from a video of Brandi being paddled to tears in the member’s area of SpankingTeenBrandi.

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Waiting while her Friend gets Paddle at School

waiting to be paddled at school

She nervously waits for her turn to be paddled at school.

School paddling is still alive and well throughout the United States with 100’s of students bending to over to feel the sting of the paddle on their bottoms.

You can tell by the look on her face that she can hear how hard her best friend is getting paddled.  The large wooden school paddle leaves a very long lasting impression, even over her tight pants.  The witness is present to make sure things go as defined in the corporal punishment guidelines for the school, but that does not stop him from applying the licks in a manner that will leave her bottom bruised and have her sitting gingerly for a few days.  This school paddling picture is from a video in the member’s area of BiSpanking.com

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