Audio recording of school corporal punishment in progress

Not every paddling administered to the bottom of a high school girl is going to result in tears, but if done right, it will certainly provide plenty of discomfort.  Most 18 year old girls are going to do their very best to not give whoever is paddling them the satisfaction of hearing them cry, so they are going to suck it up to the best of their ability.

These two girls are a perfect example.  They got in trouble together for continuously missing their first class after lunch.  They have both received enough unexcused absences for that class that graduation is now questionable.  The punishment is several days of Saturday school, which will make up for several of the absences, as well as the maximum allowable number of licks allowed…which is ten each.

It is clear from the sounds that each swat is very hard and at no time does it sound like a pleasant experience for either of the girls. I do not hear full on crying, but it sounds like there may be some tears involved.

Here is the ten swats received by the first girl:

Here is her friend getting her bottom paddled:

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Pretty teen girls getting their bottoms paddled at school…as art

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The paddling of high school girls in Mississippi

school paddling mississippi

A heavy school paddle being applied to the bottom of a high school girl is very much a reality in Mississippi.

Today we are going to once again see clear evidence that corporal punishment is alive and well in the US.  I spent a little time going through a few online school handbooks for some high schools in Mississippi.  One of the schools is private and the other two are public.  The handbooks that I reviewed are for this academic year, so these are not outdated policies.

The private school that I looked at was very clear that corporal punishment is the primary form of discipline for minor offenses, and any teacher or administrator could administer it at their own discretion:

“Corporal punishment is an integral part of a good disciplinary program. It is the policy of TCA that Teachers and the Administration have the right to administer corporal punishment after following correct school procedures.”

It is made clear that any teacher can punish any student, regardless of the student’s age or grade.  The student does not need to even be in that teacher’s class and this authority extends to any part of the school property and also for off campus events:

“Every teacher is authorized and encouraged to administer any punishment deemed necessary to correct bad conduct, bad attitude, or failure to do required work to any student regardless of his class or grade. This authority extends to halls, classrooms, school property, and off-campus school sponsored events.”

This is a pretty broad corporal punishment policy and allows a teacher to paddle a student for just about any reason they see fit.  While most corporal policies are fairly specific regarding the offense, at this school teachers are allowed to paddle for bad attitude as well as failure to turn in an assignment.  While there seems to be a broad set of guidelines that allow teachers and administrators to paddle whenever they see the need, within the school policies, corporal punishment is clearly defined as the punishment for most offenses, such as cell phone use:

While we realize that cell phones are a very important part of daily lives, they do not have a place in the educational environment. The use of a cell phone through any of its functions (calls, pictures, texting, etc.) is disruptive and interferes with the educational process and will not be permitted on school campus during school hours without permission from a school official. A student may not call parents from their cell phone to have them signed out of school. A student must use the phone in the office to call a parent.

1st Offense: The student will be given corporal punishment.

There is no warning, there are no options, and at this school parents do not have the ability to request that their child does not receive corporal punishment.  The policy is quite simple, if a student has a cell phone and has it on, they will be paddled.  This is just one example, for pretty much every minor offense listed in the student code of conduct, their butt will be paddled if they break the rules.

school spanking

An 18 year old high school senior. She is old enough to vote, she can join the military, legally sign contracts…In Mississippi she can also be sent to the office, told to bend over, and get a serious spanking at school.

Another school I looked at in Mississippi caught my eye because this year they fully revised their corporal punishment policies from previous years.  Typically when this happens, the rules that allow for the application of corporal punishment generally become more stringent. But this school changed their policy in a far different way.  The precious discipline policy only allowed for corporal punishment to be used as a last resort.  The new policy states:

“CP may be used by any licensed teacher. It shall be reasonable and moderate, and need no longer only be a last resort.”

Another change in the policy is:

“…the teacher administering the paddling need no longer be of the same sex as the student.”

In a day and age in which it seems that corporal punishment is being used less frequently, it is pretty clear that in parts of Mississippi, bottoms are getting bruised even more frequently.  At this school any teacher can now paddle, they do not have to have tried other options, and male teachers can now paddle female students.  While it is clear that teachers can paddle as frequently as required, there is a very clear “discipline ladder” that results from an “office discipline referral”.  This is basically the process of getting sent to the office.  Here it is exactly from the school handbook:


HLES and HUES will be using a classroom management plan based upon Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS). Each classroom will have a discipline ladder that will be provided to the students and the parents. All minor disciplinary offenses will follow this discipline ladder. This discipline ladder will define what behaviors will constitute an office discipline referral (ODR).

Once an ODR has been completed, the following steps will be taken:
1st office discipline referral (ODR) – Corporal punishment 1 day in-school-detention (ISD)
2nd ODR- Corporal punishment 2 days ISD – parent conference
3rd ODR- Corporal punishment 1 day out-of-school suspension (OSS)
4th ODR- Corporal punishment 2 days OSS
5th ODR ISD 2 days OSS”

This is pretty darn clear and there is no getting around it.  If you are a student at this high school and you sent to the office by your teacher, for any reason, you will be paddled.  They will not only be paddled, but some variation of a suspension will also be added on.  This takes place for the 1ST four times a student is sent to the office.  It does not matter what you did, what grade you are in, what sex you are, if you are sent to the office your ass is getting paddled each and every time.

high school paddling

Grabbing her ankles for some hard swats with a paddle and a bruised bottom. In many school this is the norm not the exception.

The last Mississippi school that I looked at stood out because in the student code of conduct, basically each and every offense listed showed paddling as the punishment.  Certainly the more severe offenses that were a violation of law had expulsion as the punishment, but for just about everything else it was corporal punishment.  This school was also unique in that as a public school, there was no way for a parent to exempt their child from being paddled.  Here is a small list from their code of conduct:

“Defiance or disrespect:
Student engages in refusal to follow directions, talks back and/or delivers socially rude interactions. Student will be paddled.

Profanity, vulgar language, or gestures, sexual remarks, stealing, or gambling:
Student engages in using inappropriate language, takes from another, or gambles.
Students guilty of these offenses will receive corporal punishment.

Student engages in physical contact between individuals that result in blows being exchanged:
Student will be paddled.

Possession or use of tobacco products on school property:
Student is in possession of or is using tobacco – this includes all type of smokeless tobacco and cigarettes.
1st offense – paddling.

Sexual harassment:
Student engages in worrying, annoying, or intimidating another person in a sexual manner –this behavior will not be tolerated on school buses, campuses, or at any school sponsored activity
1st offense – paddling; parent contact

Harassment, intimidation, or threating other students:
Student delivers written/verbal messages that include swearing, calling or use of words in an inappropriate manner or threatens to do bodily harm. Minor offenses will result in a paddling.

Use/Possession of Combustibles:
Student is in possession of substances/objects readily capable of causing bodily harm and/or property damage (matches, lighters, firecrackers, gasoline, lighter fluid).The use or possession of these items will result in a paddling and may result in suspension. Parent contact will be required.

School Safety Violations Students engages in behaviors such as throwing objects, running from school officials, misuse of school property, or any other act that can cause a disruption to the safety of any student. Students guilty of these offenses will receive corporal punishment.”

So it may seem to many people that a teen girl getting paddled in school is simply just a fantasy and that it hardly takes place.  But the truth of the matter is, right now, in just the state of Mississippi, there are a few young ladies, sitting across the desk from a school administrator, or maybe being marched into the hall outside their classroom.  Their heart is beating rapidly and there is a lump in their throat because they know, in a just a minute’s time, that they are going to be required to stand up, and then bend over, to present their bottom to be paddled.  Their parents can’t stop it, they do not have some other option that they get to choose, regardless of how they feel about, they are going to be spanked at school.  This is the South and corporal punishment is taken very seriously.  The teacher or administrator does not have to worry about a lawsuit from the parents, as in this town the parents support the use of corporal punishment.  Chances are that this young lady that is about to get her bottom paddled, will do anything in her power to make sure her parents do not find out, as there is a good chance in this community that she will get it worse at home.  At these schools a paddling is the first and primary form of discipline, so they make sure that it is effective.  Corporal punishment is listed as the primary form of punishment for most offenses for a reason, because they mean business when they use it.  The paddlings are administered full force, the goal is always tears, and it does not matter who is receiving it.

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A severe high school paddling when required

In the good old days, it was little less of a hassle to apply corporal punishment to a young lady’s bottom in the high school setting.  In the Southern states, pretty much any teacher that wanted a paddle had one in their classroom to use at their discretion.  As times changed fewer teachers had their own paddle so physical punishment was limited to being applied by coaches and administrators.  As more time passed, with administration more involved than ever in corporal punishment polices, school paddlings became an event that only took place in the school principal, or vice principal’s office.

high school corporal punishment paddling

Hard paddle swat to her teen butt will teach her a lesson for days.

For one particular administrator this led to him being far more busy as a result of having to handle each and every case of discipline within the high school.  He soon found his days filled with a stream of students at his office door waiting for him to evaluate whatever transgression they had committed.  He appreciated the simpler times when coaches and teaches were allowed to make their own judgment calls and apply the appropriate punishment.  The time finally came when he could no longer handle it all on his own, so he reached out to the staff and made one point very clear…if you have a student that you are sending to me that needs to be paddled, just make a notation on their disciplinary referral and they will be paddled, no questions asked.

Texas girl paddled in high school by the principal

Hard licks over her gym shorts are producing the desired effect.

This policy really sped up the overall process of having a student in his office.  He trusted the teachers and coaches, and he had hired many of them himself.  If they had a student that was causing problems, creating disruptions, or just had a total disregard for the rules, then they could make the decision for that student to get their butt worn out, even if they could not do it themselves.  Now when a student sat down his desk and nervously pushed their pink slip across the desk to him, if he saw a notation that read “licks” or “swats” then he knew without a doubt that this bottom needed to be bruised.

school paddling texas high school

Slow motion really shows the impact of the paddle, producing bruising and soreness deep down into her tiny bottom.

He did not have to consult their file, look up past offenses, or really ask them much in the way of what they did or how they felt about it.  He knew that 10 years ago he would not ever have even heard about this offense, or maybe even have ever met that student.  The problem would have been corrected in the school hallway or in the locker room and there would be no paperwork involved in the first place.  With their options now limited, the teachers were putting their trust in him to solve the problem in the exact method they would like him to use.

young teen school corporal punishment

Those leggings are offering very little protection as the giant paddle punishes her bottom.

This made his life a lot simpler and made the process of discipline much swifter and effective.  If two high school seniors got in a fight during gym class, and the coach felt they needed to be paddled for the offense, she simply needed to fill out two pink slips, fill in the offense, and add “***hard licks***”.  As he looks at the pink slips the offense and punishment are as clear as day.  He job now is as easy as grabbing the appropriate paddle and getting to work.  It does not matter to him the age of the girl, the size of the girl, her grades, her attitude or anything else.  He is simply the executioner for a crime that has already been committed and the judgment already handed down.

bruised butts from school paddling

When we take a look beneath their gym clothes we are able to see how good of a job he actually did. These tiny teen butts will be sore for days and a lesson was clearly learned.

The only judgment really required for him now is how to apply as much pain as possible to these teen bottoms to prevent the problem from occurring again.  He knows from experience that having them each grab their ankles for the paddling will make it far more effective.  It is too bad for them that they got in trouble in gym as the shorts and leggings they are wearing are going to do very little to protect their tiny bottoms.  It does not matter to him that they are females, when he swings a paddle for discipline he swings for the fences.  He knows ten good licks as hard as he can are far more effective as a preventative measure than ten medium swats.  He knows that bruised bottoms equals results, so bruises will always be the goal.  The days of being effected by a young lady’s tears or pleading and crying are way behind him. Tears demonstrate to him that he is doing his job well, so the more tears the better, and is he is not getting them, he will just have to work harder at his job.  His life at school has become so much easier now that he can just focus on the job of paddling the bottoms of young ladies in need.

A job well done

A job well done

The post was illustrated from an severe paddling, filmed in HD, exclusively in the member’s area of

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Properly presenting her teen bottom to be paddled in high school

Unless a young lady found herself in trouble the day before at school, and was sentenced to a paddling the next day, she never gets up that morning planning on being paddled.  How she dresses and what she wears is based solely on fashion and how her clothes make her look.  It will not be until later that very day that she realizes that her bottom is going to be on display in a manner she never intended.  That very bottom will not only be on display, she will be presenting it in a manner, directed by someone else, for the sole purpose of having a very painful stimulus applied to it.

teen school girl paddling

A teen girl presenting her bottom for a hard high school paddling.

The presentation of a young lady’s bottom, for her punishment, is an essential part of the school corporal punishment process.  First of it, it is simply functional in nature.  She will not be receiving her punishment from a parent, this will be an authorized school official, and beyond the ability to paddle her, this individual is not allowed to lay a hand on her in any way.  This is not at home with a mother trying to hold her daughter in place for a long bare bottom session with the belt, this is a school environment.  And while this school official is indeed allowed to present a great deal of pain to this young lady’s bottom, any form of restraint is against the law.

high school corporal punishment paddling of a teen girl

She has had enough time to sit and think about the paddling she is about to receive. All that is left is for her to present her bottom and to receive her paddling.

In order for this paddling to be safe and effective, the young lady must do exactly as she is told and assume the position that the person administering the paddling feels will serve the best purpose.  When choosing the position there are several factors that must be considered.  The most important factor is what position will allow for the firm application of corporal punishment which will create the most discomfort.  As a general rule, the more she is bent over, the more the paddling will hurt and the more bruised her bottom will be.  Care has to be taken for a position to be chosen that also allows her some stability so that severe swats can be administered while she still maintains her balance.

paddled at school for smoking

These two young ladies were caught smoking on the school grounds. They are immediately required to present their bottoms for a school paddling that they will never forget.

Other factors may indeed play into the choice of positions, such as embarrassment level, vulnerability, and the general discomfort of the position.  The whole process is supposed to be a punishment, not just the paddling alone, so the choice of a particularly uncomfortable position, that she is required to maintain both before and after her paddling, can be quite effective.  A position that leaves her feeling embarrassed and vulnerable can also add to the overall discomfort of the experience.  I assure you that a young lady that is simply required to lay over the edge of a desk for a quick paddling, versus one that is required to grab her ankles and hold that position, both before and after her paddling, will have a more negative experience than the first example.

young teen school corporal punishment

She knows that the results of presenting her tiny teen butt to that giant paddled are going to be rough.

The absolute most important factor when it comes to a high school girl presenting her bottom to be paddled is that of her acknowledging her guilt and submitting to her punishment.  She has acted in a way that led to this punishment being assigned to her, it is hers to own completely.  It is a result of her behavior that she is there in the first place, and now that she has been found guilty of her transgressions, it is time to pay the price.  Unfortunately for her, she is in a school system in which paying the price can indeed mean getting her bottom spanked at school.  Once again, this is not a parental spanking, no one is going to hold her down, she is going to have to own the whole thing and present her bottom to be paddled.

paddled over tight jeans school

She had no idea that she would be presenting her bottom to be paddled when she squeezed into those tight jeans this morning.

There is not another situation in the world in which a grown man or women can tell her not only to bend over, but exactly how to bend over, and present her bottom in the exact manner that the person requires.  It is not an easy process for the young lady to force herself to engage in.  First of all, chances are she does not really want this person looking at her bottom.  When she squeezed her bottom into those skin tight jeans, or daisy duke shorts that morning, this was the last thing she imagined happening.  But now here she is, presenting her bottom is a very sensual way, but it is certainly not being done for her pleasure.  Before she is even told to bend over, there is a good chance that she has already seen the paddle that will be used on her.  It is no easy feat to present her bottom, knowing that in moments the heavy wooden paddle is going to be applied forcefully to her teen bottom.

school girl presenting her bottom for a paddling

Perfectly presenting her teen bottom for a school paddling.

But she knows she is guilty of her crime and therefore she now has to be punished, regardless of how she feels about it.  With every ounce of energy she has, she simply wants to run from that office, but she finds herself standing up out of her chair as she was told.  She wants to cry as she looks at the paddle on his desk, knowing how very much it is going to hurt.  It is almost an out of body experience and she hears him tell her to assume a wide stance and to bend over and grab her ankles.  Fight or flight are still doing battle in her head as she finds herself with her hands on her ankles.  She is now acutely aware that the only thing that seems to exist in this new world in her bottom and that paddle.  She feels how tight her pants feel against her bottom as she maintains this position.  She seems him standing behind her, paddle in hand, looking at her petite teen bottom.  She knows that he is not admiring the view, instead he is considering how to produce as much pain as possible.   She flinches as the paddle touches her tight bottom and then it begins.

These examples may just be animations, but I assure you the videos that they come from are as real as it gets.  Below are the results of the paddlings that each of these girls received.  Full force, school corporal punishment over jeans, leading to very bruised and sore bottoms exclusively from

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414 School corporal punishment paddling videos

So you are visiting this blog which means that you like to see young ladies paddled in a school environment.  Chances are you want to see videos in which the paddlings administered are hard, yet realistic as to how corporal punishment is actually administered in the schools of America.  You are looking for videos in which the girls are close to the age of the girls who are paddled in high school.  You want to see good camera work, with a view of the young lady’s bottom as it is paddled, as well as a camera that shows her reactions as she is paddled.  Ideally the girls will have beautiful young bottoms and cute faces.  When the paddling is over, you want the young ladies to have marked bottoms and tears in their eyes.  What you don’t want is sites that promise something and do not deliver.  I spent the morning compiling some stats so you know exactly what you are going to get. is the membership that gives you access to all of the sites in the Realspankings networks.  What I wanted to know, is what exactly will you get from those sites that is specific to school paddling.  What I looked at were scenes that involve a wooden school paddle and one or more young ladies are paddled in a school environment.  Here is what I came up with:

four girls paddled in school

A four girl school paddling.– There are currently 163 school paddling scenes in their member’s area.  The majority of these are highly realistic school paddlings administered over clothing.  There are dozens of scenes in which one girl is paddled, and they have group scenes in which as many as five girls are paddled.  There are several scenes in which a bit of the realism is lost, as it involves bare bottom paddling.  For the highly realistic scenes in which a girl is paddled over clothing, there is generally an after shot of her lowering her pants and panties so you can see the results from a very realistic paddling.  Various positions are utilized for the school paddlings and there are spankers of both sexes paddling the girls.  The paddlings are generally very intense and it is clear that the person administering the paddling is paddling full force.  Every paddling seems to involve some degree of bruising and tears are not uncommon.  Clearly the standard for all school paddling videos and enough to keep you occupied for weeks.

school paddling girl

Pulled from gym and paddled at the Institute.– There are currently 152 school paddling videos in the member’s area.  Being that these scenes are based in an Institute environment, which involves dorm room punishments as well, I only counted scenes in which a young lady is paddled in the school office, gym, or classroom.  While the intensity of these scenes is very realistic, the majority of the paddlings do take place on the bare bottom.  So this is not your traditional high school type paddlings, but you do get to see dozens of young ladies lift their skirts and drop their panties for some very serious bare bottom discipline.  This is more in line with your traditional English discipline movies, only there is a much bigger emphasis on the use of a paddle rather than a cane.  As with, the punishments are hard and bruised bottoms and tears are quite common.

cheerleader paddled at school

A young cheerleader bending over to have her bottom paddled.– There are currently 28 school paddling scenes in the member’s area.  The school scenes on this site are a mix between very real looking school paddling scenes over clothing and less realistic bare bottom paddling scenes.  There is good use of costuming as well, with some fantastic cheerleader paddling scenes.  What I believe to be two of the best and most realistic school paddling scenes ever produced come from this site.  When this site first began, this young lady had only been out of high school for a couple of months, so the realism is greatly enhanced.  There are some videos on here in which she is paddled full force and bursts into tears immediately.  There is no faking what is seen in these videos, this is truly a young lady being punished in a very serious manner.

three girls paddled in high school

Three young ladies getting paddled together.– There are currently 36 school paddling videos in the member’s area.  One of the best parts of the video on this site is there are a lot of multi-girl paddlings.  It is a lovely site to see three young ladies, side by side and grabbing their ankles for their paddling.  As with the other sites there is some very hard hitting action that leads to very sore bottoms and very sorry young ladies.  The videos are about half and half with over the clothing paddling and bare bottom paddling.  There are a few videos on this site that need to be in the school paddling hall of fame.

high school cheerleader paddled

One cheerleader is paddled while the other waits her turn.– There are currently 26 school paddling videos in the member’s area.  She is a petite teen who also started making spanking videos just after turning 18.  She is also a young lady who actually grew up receiving school corporal punishment, which lasted all the way through high school.  When she shot her first school paddling videos, it had been less than 6 months since she had actually been paddled at school.  She has a tiny little bottom and it is really put to the test in the videos.  If you want to see what it really looks like when a large paddle is taken to a tiny teen bottom, then these are the videos for you.  She struggles through every paddling she receives and is often covered in sweat and crying her eyes out before the last swat lands. There are many highly realistic school paddlings in her member’s area, as many bare bottom school paddlings as well.

bare bottom school paddling

Kept after class for a skirt up, panties down, bare butt paddling.– There are currently 9 school paddling videos in the member’s area.  Most of the paddling in this member’s area are very hard and applied to her bare bottom.  These fall more into the English style discipline category, with her often being paddled while in a school uniform.  She really takes it hard and bruises and tears are the norm.

There are two other sites included with the but they are specific to otk spanking and punishments administered with a belt, so there are no school paddlings on those sites.  I have limited the information as to school paddling scenes, but all of these sites are huge and there is content for months.  For perspective, while has 163 scenes in which a paddling takes place in a school environment, if you do a search on the site for a spanking that is administered with a wooden paddle, there are 356 separate punishments.  As of the update this morning, on alone there are 1907 separate spanking scenes on the site, with another 1752 on

With 414 total school paddling videos currently online, you really can’t go wrong with the  Many are highly realistic and show school corporal punishment as it really exists in the schools of the US.  For those of you who want to see a little more, there are plenty of bare bottom school paddlings.  Regardless of the clothing, you can count on hard paddlings leading to bruised bottoms and crying young ladies.

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A high school girl is being paddled at school at this very moment

Right now, at this very moment as you read this post, a school paddling is taking place in the US.  Based on the statistics from the US Department of Education, from the first bell to the last bell, in schools across America, there will be an average of 1944 school paddling administered today.  Based on how many hours a typical high school day lasts, this breaks down to around one paddling every 12 seconds.  Statistics also show that around one third of those paddling will be administered to females.  So in the next minute, 2 of the 5 students that will be presenting their butts for some very real corporal punishment will be girls.

getting paddled in high school

Presenting her 18 year old bottom for a hard paddling in high school.

This is not spanking fantasy; this is reality as reported by the US government.  You would also have to imagine that a very large portion of the paddlings that are administered are not being reported.  Not every coach and teacher that is authorized to paddle is filling out all of the proper documentation; they are simply busting butts in hallways and locker rooms, without a pen ever being put to paper.  The paddlings that are administered will certainly vary in severity as different administrators choose to paddle in different ways.  There will be some young ladies that will be paddled gently and the whole experience will be little more than just an embarrassment for her. But of the 648 young ladies that will be bending over today for some discipline with a paddle, you would have to imagine that for many of them, it will be an experience that she will never forget.

high school girl paddling

At this very moment there is a young lady getting paddled in high school in a manner that she will not soon forget.

Yes, we read about recent cases in which a high school senior was sent to the office and had her butt paddled in a manner that left her bruised, and then mom and dad call the school and the press and raise some hell.  But if you look at a state like Mississippi, their feelings on corporal punishment have not changed much over the last half a century.  This is not a state in which after a young lady is paddled at school, that her parents complain about her sore bottom.  This is a state in which they supplement her sore bottom with a heavy dose of the belt.  In Mississippi last year alone, 38,131 students were paddled, which accounts for 7.5% of the total student population on the state.  The girls that are presenting their bottoms to be paddled today in Mississippi schools are not bending over for a gentle but embarrassing paddling; they are presenting their bottoms for some good old fashioned corporal punishment with a heavy wooden school paddle.  That principal is not going easy to avoid complaints from parents, he is calling her parents and letting them know exactly what is happening.  Those traditional Southern parents are going to encourage him to do a good job, while also assuring him that she will be getting much more of the same when she gets home.  That very same girl might just find herself in the living room, over the arm of the couch, while dad wears her bottom out further with his belt.

girl paddled at school strapping at home from dad

Her punishment is not ever when she leaves the principal’s office. When her dad gets home from work, her bottom is bared and he wears her bottom out again with his belt.

In these Southern states, especially in the rural parts, parents still believe that bruising a bottom helps a child learn.  They grew up being spanked in a manner that can only be described as severe and they know how much it taught them a lesson.  Even if it is not them that are disciplining their child, they expect that the person that is tasked with the job will give it the same amount of effort.  If a parent from Mississippi gets a call that their 17 year old daughter is in the school office for bad behavior and is going to get paddled, well they expect that there will be some tears involved.  They see the entire purpose of corporal punishment is for as much pain as possible to be applied to their daughter’s bottom.

So if you look at the pictures, videos, and animations from this blog as pure fantasy, you would be mistaken.  The images included in this post may be produced by an adult website, but what you are seeing is the real thing.  Since you began reading this post, at least four high school age girls have experienced this very thing.  Somewhere, in all of the states that allow it, a young lady was sitting in an office while an administrator looks over her school records and considers her current offense.  While you were reading this post she received the news that he has decided to paddle her.  For at least one of the young ladies to receive that news in the last few minutes, she is sitting before a principal who strongly believes in the firm use of school corporal punishment.  He is not influenced by the fact that she is a beautiful 18 year old, who is legally an adult.  It does not matter to him that she is quite petite, with a tiny little bottom.  He is in fact going to use the same heavy and thick paddle that he uses to paddle the boys.

high school girl paddling at school

Hard swats with a heavy paddle are exactly what is needed to teach this high school girl a lesson.

This principal, right now at this very moment, is telling this deserving young lady to bend over, with her arms fully outstretched, and to grab the edge of his desk.  Even though she is as now as nervous as she has ever been in her life, she is doing what she is told.  Whatever state this is taking place in, this is the reality of the school she attends and her actions have warranted a paddling, so there is really not much she can do about it.  Maybe her parents have been contacted, maybe they have not, but nothing is going to change the fact that she is about to be paddled.  Somewhere at this moment, this principal is moving around his desk with the large paddle in his hand and stepping into position behind the young lady presenting her bottom to be paddled.  He places the large paddle against her bottom and raises the paddle high in the air.  Right now he only has one thought on his mind, school discipline.  It is his job to make sure that order is kept, rules are followed, and that anything that gets in the way of the educational process is dealt with.  Over his years as a school principal he has found that the best way to deal with such issues is with the object in his hand.  He knows he will not be doing her any favors by going easy on her, which is exactly why that first swat lifts her onto her toes.

bruised bottom school girl

This is the results from the above girl receiving 9 swats over her pants and panties.

The sounds of the first swat echo throughout his small office and he recognizes it as the sound of learning.  The additional sounds of learning follow just a few seconds later as he hears the crack in her voice and knows that the tears are starting to flow.  He is not affected by this young lady bent over before him starting to cry, this is the goal.  This might be a school setting, but she has engaged in behavior that she is in trouble for and she is getting spanked as a result.  A spanking is supposed to hurt, a spanking is supposed to create tears, and most of all; a spanking by design is intended to create a sore bottom.  This might not be his daughter, but he is in charge of her development for half of her waking hours, five days a week.  Somewhere, right now, this principal is raising the paddle again to apply an equally as hard swat to her petite bottom.  After the crack of the second swat the sound of her crying and distress grows louder.  He knows that each swat is leaving a perfect purple mark across her butt cheeks, the kind of mark that helps assure that she will never return to his office.  With just two swats he has probably already made his point and clearly she is feeling the effects, but he knows that the more swats she receives, the sorer she will be, thus having been taught a better lesson.  So as you read this, the rest of the swats are being applied to the already bruised bottom of a high school girl somewhere.

Finally, her punishment is complete but certainly the tears have not stopped.  He is telling her right now to have a seat, something

bruised bottom teen

Her bottom shows the results of a school paddling and a session with dad’s belt.

her bottom is fully against.  She is cringing with pain as her bottom touches the hard wood chair in his office and the full reality of her situation is setting in.  Her bottom is not just stinging from being paddled; it will continue to throb for hours.  Tomorrow morning, long after you have finished reading this, she is going to wake up to a brand new reminder of her behavior at school today.  With the statistics of 648 girls being paddled at school over the course of this day, how many do you think are going to wake up with sore bottoms tomorrow? Even if only ten percent received the type of paddling described here, that means that 65 teen girls will wake up tomorrow morning with a bruised bottom.  They will get out of bed and feel how tight the muscles of their bottom are feeling.  Those first few steps towards the bathroom will be an instant reminder of the behavior that they engaged in.  I also guarantee for every sore bottomed girl out there, each and every one will check her bottom in the mirror.  They will likely see large bull’s eye shaped bruises on their butts.  If even one percent of them live in a home in which “you get it at school, you get it at home”, this means that at least 6 young ladies are looking at more than just the bruises from the paddling the day before.  These young ladies, with the strictest of parents are also likely looking at a well stripped and welted ass from a long session with dad’s belt. I assure you that corporal punishment in the home and in school is alive and well in America today, and right now, at this very moment it is indeed taking place. If you don’t believe me, take a listen as three swats are being applied forcefully to a young lady at this very moment.

All pictures and animations come from part of the family of sites.

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Paddled at school in a manner designed to make sitting difficult

Is there any validity to the phrase “will not be able to sit down for a week” when it comes to school paddlings?  I think “a week” will always be a little optimistic when we are talking about teaching a naughty young lady a lesson she will never forget.  But is it possible to spank a high school girl, with a school paddle, in a manner that makes it almost impossible to sit for a few days?

severe paddling for the teen girl

Do you think that this large bottomed teen girl will be sitting comfortably anytime soon after her ten swat school paddling?

I do not believe it is possible to take away someone’s ability to sit, as a result of a school paddling alone, but it certainly can create a state in which she has no desire to sit at all.  Even more important is to create a state in which sitting is as about as painful as it gets.  Some of the most effective school paddlings ever, are ones administered at the beginning of the day, or even better, the beginning of the week, allowing for the young lady to experience as much pain as possible.

very bruised butt from a school girl paddling

Her severely bruised bottom is the result of a 12 swat paddling, over her jeans, while she was grabbing her ankles. Do you think she is likely to commit the same offense again?

It is ideal for her not to be home, lying on her belly in bed with an icepack on her swollen and bruised bottom, but instead to be at school at a hardwood desk.  Ideally, there is not a single moment in any class, for the next two days in which she is not reminded of her behavior.  A severe and proper paddling can indeed have the effect of bringing tears back to the eyes of a young lady the very next day as she sits down for her 1st class.  Standing is not an option, and being that she is probably embarrassed that she is in school with a bruised bottom from a paddling; she does not want anyone to know.  This forces her to just have to endure the pain, the whole time promising herself to never be paddled again.

school corporal punishment paddling bruised butt

Imagine the next few days at school for this young lady. i am guessing that sitting down will not be her top priority.

In a recent case on the news, in which a Texas girl was paddled at school, she complained that the pain was so bad that she had to stay home for a couple of days to recover.  In this case she had her mom’s support and was allowed to stay home, but in many cases when a girl is sent home from school with a sore butt from a paddling, her parents simply supplement with a little corporal punishment of their own and make sure she goes back to school with a butt that hurts like hell every time she sits down.

two girls paddled in a texas high school

Two girls, ten swats each over jeans. Different amount of bruising, but sore bottoms all around.

So if you find yourself wondering how sore a bottom can really be, just take a look at the pictures in this post.  All of these are very real paddlings, administered over pants and panties, with no more than 10 swats being applied.  That might be a little high as far as a school paddling, but many schools do allow up to 12 for a single offense.  Do these girls look like they will be sitting comfortably anytime soon?  How would it feel for them to sit down, at a hard school desk 18 hours later?  Will they be likely to commit the same offense again anytime soon? For those parents that believe in “get it at school, get it at home”, how would a long session with dad’s belt feel on that bottom? Or even better, how about some time over mom’s knee for a bare bottom session with a hairbrush?

spanked at school then at home

After her school paddling,  dad tore her ass up with the belt. I am guessing that sitting will be the most painful thing she could ever imagine.

In the member’s area of you will be able to watch the video that shows exactly how a school paddle, applied properly, led to these young ladies learning a very real lesson.

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Teen Bottoms, Daisy Dukes, and a hard paddling in high school

high school girl paddling

Squeezing her teen bottom into a tiny skirt.

Now that spring is fully here, teen girls across the country and squeezing their tight teen bottoms into the tightest and shortest shorts and skirts that they can get away with wearing to school.  The current trend is tiny and tight daisy dukes that creep up to the very bottom of a young lady’s butt cheeks.  The one thing that no girl really considered as she looks at her little ass in the mirror, on her way out the door to school, is the fact that she may indeed find herself in trouble at school that day.

paddled in short shorts

Those little shorts are great for showing off her tight teen bottom, but not so good for her when it comes time to bend over for a school paddling.

If any of these young ladies in their tiny little shorts attend a public or private school in which corporal punishment is allowed, she might find herself showing a little more of her bottom than she planned that day.  Clearly the whole goal of the little shorts is to show off her bottom to the boys in school.  She wants to be the one, walking down the hall shaking her stuff, that all the boys lust after.  She is old enough now to know the power that her teen bottoms holds and she will use that power as often as possible.

tight bottomed teen

The kind of bottom that the boys just love to watch walk down the hall.

This is why she chose those little daisy dukes in the first place.  They are skin tight and hug her body in a way to show off each and every detail of her perfect little bottom.  They are short enough that every inch of her leg in uncovered and there is the additional tease of almost being able to see the bottom of her ass cheeks.  She knows that with every step down the hall that heads are turning, and some boys are even changing direction, just for the simple pleasure of walking behind her, soaking it all in.

short shorts school corporal punishment

As she checks her perfect little butt out in the mirror, she never considered that she would be grabbing her ankles for a paddling in those very same shorts.

But now this young lady finds herself walking down the hall, all by herself, as everyone else is in class.  She is walking with a pink slip in hand, a disciplinary referral from one of her teachers.  Maybe it was one too many tardies, or talking in class, or being a distraction, but whatever it is, at this school, she knows that a paddling is a very real option.  Those tiny little shorts, the ones that show off her tiny little bottom, and get her so much attention, are feeling even shorter than they did when she slid into them that morning.

The truth is, when the teen girls put on those shorts, they mostly think about how their ass looks when they stand or even walk, but not as much consideration is put into what happens when she bends over.  If she is a proper young lady, she bends with her knees when she needs to.  But if she is in a school office and has earned a paddling, she is not really in control of how she is going to bend for her paddling.  She is going to assume the position that she is told and will have no say in the matter.  The one thing that she can count on is that his priority will not be her modesty, but rather how to bring the most amount of pain as possible to her teen butt.

school paddling girl

As she presents her bottom to be paddled some bare skin becomes part of the target area.

It depends on the shorts that she chose to wear that morning, but with the current style, there is a very good chance that when she bends over, part of her butt cheeks are going to become visible.  If she is required to grab her ankles, the chance of her butt cheeks being visible is almost assured.  As much as she enjoys the attention that her tight little bottom often brings her, the attention it is going to receive today is unwanted.  It will not be a horny teen boy checking her bottom out with sexual thoughts; it will be a grown man that only sees her bottom as a target and an opportunity for some very serious learning.

school dress code paddling

These shorts are well within the school dress code as no part of her bottom is actually visible.

bare bottom school paddling

Now that she is actively being paddled, the shorts present much of her bare bottom, allowing a more severe paddling to be applied.

From the administrative side, paddling a high school girl that is wearing tiny little shorts becomes a major benefit to the overall learning process.  The person tasked with the job of paddling naughty young ladies can capitalize on her choice of dress in many ways.  The first is indeed the embarrassment factor.  Having a young lady wearing daisy dukes bend over, or even grab her ankles to be paddled, can make the overall situation even more embarrassing for her that it already would be.  Here she is, a 17 year old girl, bent over with her butt cheeks on display to the world, and not just on display, but being presented to be spanked.  Obviously an effective administrator would require her to assume this position and then maintain it while he fills out the appropriate paperwork.

high school girl corporal punishment

Grabbing her ankles in her little Daisy Dukes for a paddling in high school.

The biggest benefit for the administrator paddling a young lady in short shorts, is that some skin will be visible.  There is no public school in the country in which a bare bottom school paddling is allowed, but if the young lady’s choice of clothing that morning is one that happens to present part of her bare bottom, then certainly the administrator should see this as an opportunity for some additional learning.  While the primary pain from a heavy wooden school paddle is from the overall force, the addition of jeans and panties does help to reduce the overall sting.  Being able to apply the paddle to even a small portion of her bare bottom, and even the very top of her thighs, will greatly improve the overall effectiveness of the process and help in reducing the chance of repeated behavior.

high school girl paddling

When these high school girls dressed for school that morning, they did not know that they would be caught smoking. The one on the left never considered that she would be presenting part of her bare bottom for a long session with the principal’s paddle.

With a little bare skin to paddle, it also allows the administrator some immediate feedback that he would otherwise have with a girl wearing pants.  If the paddle is hitting bare skin, he should be able to see how well she is bruising.  If it is clear that the paddle swats are not causing any bruising to her teen bottom, then he has adjust the severity to assure that she is learning a long term lesson.  For the young lady wearing shorts that are just way too short, the results of her lesson may be visible even when she is not bending over.  Imagine her embarrassment as she walks down the halls and the young men get to clearly see bruises peeking out from the bottom of her shorts.

high school girl bruised from a paddling

Those tiny shorts will not hide the bruises from her recent school paddling.

high school girl paddled

The short shorts and light fabric allow for a much more effective paddling for this high school girl.

bruised butt girl from a school paddling

A closer inspection shows that the portion of her bottom that was not fully covered, is indeed bruised more substantially.

All pictures and animations come from the very real, very painful, and full HD school paddling videos in the member’s area of They have more real school paddling videos than all other spanking sites combined!

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A hard paddling for the high school girl to make sure she is sore for days

Paddling is used in high schools as a way to teach a young lady a lesson for inappropriate behavior that she has engaged in.  There are many variables that can make a paddling effective, but the main goal is the application of pain.  A successful paddling will involve as much pain as possible both during and after the paddling.  Assuming that a large and heavy paddle is used, and that each swat is applied with maximum force, let’s look at a way that a school paddling can be applied in the most successful way.

atwo high school girls waiting to be paddled

Waiting to be paddled at school

Here we have two young ladies, both in trouble for various school offenses, and they both need to have their bottoms paddled in a manner that will not only teach them a lesson, but will also discourage such behavior in the future.  One of the problems with a hard paddling with a heavy paddle is that after just a few swats a young lady’s bottom tends to go numb.

school girl paddled

The 1st half of their school paddling will be with them grabbing their knees

With both of these girls requiring 12 hard swats to their bottoms, he changes things up, and instead of giving them all 12 at once, therefore allowing their butts to be numb during part of their paddling; he has them switch places after the first three swats.  Once they have each had their three swats, he lets some time pass to assure that all of the feeling has returned to their bottoms.  While a hard paddling will indeed lead to them being sore for a long time, he wants to be sure that during the paddling itself that they are able to feel the full pain of each swat.  There is no point in paddling a bottom that is going numb if he is able to take the time to make it even more painful.

school corporal punishment paddling

Presenting her bottom nicely for corporal punishment.

Another technique that he uses, to assure maximum pain and effectiveness, is to alter the position that the girls are paddled in.  For the first three swats that the girls receive, he only has them put their hands on their knees.  This allows each hard paddle swat to primarily impact the skin and the first layer of muscles of their bottoms.  This allows for maximum sting, but without deep impact to the underlying muscles, it also cuts down on the amount of numbness they will experience at the beginning of their paddling.

school paddling girl

The look on her face as the paddle hits her bottom shows that she is learning

After two rounds of three swats each, with break in between to allow the numbness to go away, he chooses to target deeper muscles in their bottoms.  The first half of the paddling was designed to achieve maximum pain at that very moment, but for the second half the goal is to produce pain that will last as long as possible.  For any proper school paddling, a young lady’s body will produce endorphins to help combat the pain she is experiencing.  This generally means that towards the end of her paddling, or right after it is over, the body will do everything it can to make the pain easier for her to endure.  Yes, it will have been a very painful experience, and will likely have caused tears, but as soon as it is over, the pain seems to subside a lot as a result of the endorphins.

The whole purpose of the second half of the paddling is to make sure that when the endorphins begin to fade (usually within about 30 minutes) that she fully realize that the punishment is not only not over, but actually just beginning.  The way this is accomplished is by having these young ladies change their position slightly.  For the next three swats, they will not just have their hands on their knees; they are now required to grab their ankles.

high school girl bruised butt from a paddling

Required to grab her ankles for a school paddling, to assure a properly bruised bottom.

You can see from the animation above that this further tightens their bottoms, pressing the deep muscles closer to the surface, allowing the paddle to make a deeper impact.  A smack to just the skin only produces redness and stinging, while a swat to the deep muscle tissue produces bruising and long term soreness, which should always be the goal.  By having them grab their ankles he is able to rest assured that when their 30 minutes of endorphins wears off that they will becoming acutely aware of the paddling they received.

grabbing ankles for a paddling at school

By making her grab her ankles he knows the paddle will bruise her bottom nicely.

Just as before, after the three swats targeting the deep muscle tissue have been applied, he once again gives them a little break.  Hard swats to a young lady’s bottom, while she is grabbing her ankles, almost always results in some numbness.  He will allow an extra few minutes before the final round of three, to assure that they fully feel the last three swats.

For the final three swats, he chooses to have them bend even farther and requires them to place their hands on the floor.  This further tightens the bottom, and pushes additional muscles closer to the surface.  He is systematically making sure that the paddle impacts as deep as it can with each position.   He is no longer concerned about numbness, or endorphins, at this point it is all about doing his very best to make sure they cannot sit down comfortably for at least two days.  He makes sure that these final three swats are as absolutely as hard as he can provide.

high school corporal punishment

The last three swats will be with her hands on the ground in order to make her bottom as sore as possible.

While the first portion of the paddling was designed to provide as much pain as possible while they were being paddled, and the second to make sure that after the endorphins wore off that they were feeling it, the final portion is all about the days to come. After a well paddled young lady has a night’s sleep, all of those muscles that were effected tighten up which drastically elevates the amount of pain involved.  He does not want them waking up in the morning with the paddling being a distant memory, he wants the punishment to begin yet again.  By requiring them to assume all three positions, he can be assured that they will indeed be aware that they are still being punished the next morning.

school girl paddling

There is no doubt that this is a very painful position for a high school girl to be paddled in.

Ideally, these girls will have been paddled early in the school week and not on a Friday.  Having a weekend at home allows them to better seek positions of comfort on softer furniture, to even lie down on their bellies in bed.  But what he really wants is for them to be at school, trying to sit at a hard wooden desk.  This allows every single moment at school for the next two days to be a punishment.  It allows them to be very focused on the fact they were paddled, but more importantly why.

severe high school paddling

The results of a well thought out and severe high school paddling

We are lucky enough in this paddling video to be able to see the results of this well thought out and highly effective punishment.  While they both received 12 swats in three positions, they clearly bruise differently.  Just because the girl on the right is showing more bruising, it does not mean the girl on the left got off easy.  What is really clear is that there is no doubt that a lesson was learned during this process. You can also see that there are almost different layers of bruising as he targeted different parts of the muscles with the different positions. Even more importantly, the “sit spot” being the part of the bottom that touches a chair when they try to sit down is perfectly covered.  They will not be able to wiggle around and find a position of comfort and will be forced to endure the pain for as many days that their bottoms are sore.

teen girl spanked at school

This shows that real learning took place.

This very severe and well thought out school paddling demonstrates exactly how effective a school paddling can be when the person in charge is willing to go the extra mile to do a good job.  We have seen how with proper force, breaks in between swats, and multiple positions, that a teen girl’s bottom can become a canvass for learning.  Yes, this might all be from a nicely produced spanking video, but look again at the after shots and tell me if you think these girls will be sitting gingerly for the next few days.

All content is from the HD video in the member’s area of

Filed in Paddled on Tight Jeans, School Corporal Punishment, School Paddling, School Paddling Pictures | Comments Off on A hard paddling for the high school girl to make sure she is sore for days