Cheerleaders also receive school paddlings.

high school cheerleader paddled

She knows that even as a cheerleader, she is about to have her bottom paddled at school.

Cheerleaders stand out at any high school and are basically chosen representatives of their school.  Whether it is a football game, a pep rally, or a school fund raising event, these are the faces that represent a school.  They are typically pretty, very popular, and there is not a student within the entire school population that cannot tell you who the cheerleaders are.  With this sort of image, comes responsibility, they are expected to hold themselves to a higher standard.  The typical opinion of a high school cheerleader is that she is sweet, nice,

school paddling high school

That skirt is not going to offer much protection as her tight cheerleader bottom is paddled.

and generally well behaved.  But we need to be honest, they are just typical high school girls that find themselves in the same trouble as any other student might find themselves in.

Being that they are held to a higher standard, when it comes to discipline issues, they are often dealt with a little more severely.  They are supposed to be setting the example, that all other students can use

high school corporal punishment for girls

Her athletic bottom is feeling the burn of ten licks with the school paddle.

a barometer for their actions.  When they find themselves in trouble, their athletic little bottoms often pay the price.  In the South, a cheerleader who finds herself in the school principal’s office, or even worse the cheer coach’s office, they may indeed be presenting their skirt covered bottoms for a hard school paddling.  The cheer coaches are known for expecting perfection in all aspects of a cheerleader’s performance and behavior.

paddled in classroom by the coach

Taken to a classroom for some privacy for a hard school paddling on her cheerleader bottom

When one of her cheerleaders is acting up, her bottom will indeed be paddled.  Some teachers will even choose to let the cheer coach handle most discipline issues.  Instead of sending a cheerleader to the office, they will find a moment to speak to the cheer coach, and detail the issues they are having with that student’s behavior.  There is no disciplinary slip, or referral to the principal’s office…they know this is best handled by the coach and a large wooden paddle.

The cheer coach simply keeps the young ladies she has been hearing bad reports on, after practice.  She finds a classroom that is not in use and takes the offending young lady into the classroom.  A short lecture takes place and she is then bent over a desk and required to present her bottomShe might be paddled over her cheer skirt, or maybe she will have to lift her skirt and be paddled on the appropriately names “spankies”.  One

cheerleader high school paddling

A member of the cheer squad checking out her bruised bottom after a hard paddling.

thing is for sure, her bottom is going to pay the price.  This coach does not worry about school policy, she swing the paddle long and hard creating a long lasting impression on this young ladies bottom. She paddled the cheerleader’s tight teen bottom until the tears are flowing and her bottom is black and blue.  No one has higher expectation of her squad and when they step out of line, she makes sure they remember it of a very long time.  With tears still in her eyes she is marched back to the locker room to shower with the rest of the squad.  All of the girls know what happened and cannot help but sneak a peek at her bruised bottom when she gets out of the shower.

The images in this post come from the “Cheerleaders” section in the member’s area of where you can see dozens of videos of 18-19 year old girls being paddled in cheerleader uniforms. This is authentic corporal punishment as administered in high schools throughout the South.

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Severe Paddling in a Private School

christian school corporal punishment

They already know, their bottoms will be paddled at school

While school paddling in a public school setting, mostly takes place in the South, corporal punishment is still quite prevalent throughout the US in private schools.  Private schools, especially in Christian based programs, have their own set of rules that govern the school and they are not governed by the State and local policies.  As you would expect in private Christian schools, the concept of “spare the rod and spoil the child” is alive and well.  Most parents who want their children to have a religious based education have no trouble with the concept of spanking, as it is written in the Bible.  Many modern private Christian schools utilize various forms of corporal punishment from kindergarten through the twelfth grade.

These types of schools tend to be quite strict when it comes to discipline.  Both male and females

christian school girl paddled

Grabbing her ankles, waiting for the 1st swat of the paddle, she knows this is going to really hurt her teen bottom.

students know what to expect when they end up in the office for disciplinary problems.  If you think the high school students in the South have it rough, it may indeed be gentle by private school standards. Private Christian schools see discipline as a matter dictated by the Bible, which such verses as:

“Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.”

This is often interpreted to mean that the discipline administered needs to be severe and long lasting.  For many high school girls that are raised in such an environment and attend schools that support these teachings, it often means that for each and every little offense they commit, their bottoms will pay the price.  In a typical public school, her offense may be viewed as against the school rules, but is strict Christian school, her offense might be seen as an offense against God.  Lying, cheating, stealing, and similar offenses are taken very seriously and the punishment for such a thing is equally as serious.

2 girls paddled at christian school

Two students getting paddled together at a private school

In many public schools, corporal punishment had to be approved by the parent, while in many Christian schools, admission into the school itself means that permission to paddle a student is required.  They see paddling a naughty girl’s bottom as the primary form of discipline.  A paddling in a private school is not subject to so many rules by the school board.  The whole concept of a same sex paddler no longer applies.  Limitations as to how many swats can be applied to her bottom, also no longer apply.  A school paddling in this environment can be much harder and last much longer.  There are many Biblical references to “breaking the will of the child”.  In regards to corporal punishment, this is often measured by tears, or specifically when the crying stops.  It is often viewed that the act of crying during one’s punishment is an act of being willful.  In some of the more strict school environments, as long as crying is taking place during a school paddling, the girl has not yet given into, or accepted her punishmentClearly, when

christian high school paddling discipline

A long and hard school paddling until she stops crying

a large wooden school paddle is being applied to the bottom of a teen girl, there will be much crying involved.  But this alone is simply not enough in a strict Christian school, the paddling must continue until she gives in and accepts her discipline.  A paddling of such severity is often not measured in how many swats, but how long it takes for her to actually stop crying.  You can imagine how bruised a young lady’s bottom must be for this whole process to take place.

In a public school, all paddlings take place over some form of clothing.  While this is still the most typical way for a girl to be paddled in a private school setting, certain situations may call for a skirt to be raised.  In the privacy of the office, it is not completely unheard of for Mother Superior to decide that a very real lesson needs to be taught on that day and to have a young lady raise her skirt, and on occasion, even lower her panties.  The whole point is swift and severe

school paddling

This time her skirt needed to be raised for a very hard school paddling that she will never forget.

discipline, so concepts such as modesty and sexuality do not enter the equation.  It is 100% about providing the right discipline for that offense.  We have all heard stories about how strict things can be in a Catholic girl’s school, even today.  There is no anger involved in this type of discipline, however, the nuns live a life of discipline and know how to apply it when required.  They are able to disregard the tears and the emotions; they know they need to teach these young ladies a very proper lesson.  A male principal in the South can certainly be strict, but do not underestimate a 60 year old nun with a large paddle in her hand.  A paddling from such a woman can be long lasting, relentless, and create unbelievable pain to the bottom of an 18 year old high school senior.  These girls are supposed to have their acts together, be an example for their school, so when they break the rules, their bottoms really pay the price.

These private school paddling pictures are brought to you by the only spanking site that features punishments administered exclusively in a girl’s school setting.  There are more than 100 videos that feature the use of a large wooden school paddle being applied forcefully to the bottom of real school aged girls, most to their bare bottoms until they are in tears.

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A real bruised bottom from a real school paddling

My primary focus on this blog it the study of school corporal punishment paddling as it takes place in the real world.  Let’s be honest, the world of bare bottom school paddling no longer exists.  this is why pretty much all of the content I feature shows 18-19 year old girls being paddled over tight jeans and the occasional skirt,  this is what young ladies wear to high school, so I do not show much in the way of bare bottom paddling content, even though there is plenty of good bare bottom paddling videos to be found.

One of the questions I often get from viewers of this blog is “does a school paddling really work“, or “are these girls paddled hard enough that it really makes a difference in their behavior”?  I thought I would put the reality pictures aside for a moment and just take a look at these questions and what the real effects of a hard school paddling are.  To really see what happens, when a large wooden school paddle, swung full force, hits a high school girl’s bottom, I think we need to peel away a few layers for a moment to see what happens with that impact.

My 1st example shows the effects on an 18 year old girl, with a little bit bigger of a bottom.  This girl really is 18, her name is Keagen and she is a model for  In her 1st interview she discusses the fact that she just turned 18 and had been waiting to work for them.  She left school early with her GED and had she not, she would have been a senior in high school the day this paddling was filmed…this is about as real as we can get as far as a high school aged girl getting a very real paddling. The swat in this GIF is applied to her bare bottom, but it allows us to see what is going on under a high school girl’s jeans when she receives a paddling at school.

bare butt paddling high school girl

The intensity of a full force school paddle swat is clear when you take away the pants and panties.

There is nothing extreme about this paddling, this is a typical, well placed, hard paddle swat applied to a big teen butt.  What this slow motion animation shows, without the jeans covering her bottom is the ripple effects that are created by the paddle.  We can also see the bruising appearing before our eyes.

This next girl is 19, also from  She is a normal sized girl, with the typical nice ass you see walking the halls of any high school.

school paddling slow motion

Her teen bottom bruises instantly from her school paddling

Once again, even on a much smaller ass, we see the ripple effect and it is clear why a school paddling produces very real results.  There is no way that did not produce severe discomfort for this young lady and the bruising is clear.

The bruised bottom is one of the reasons a paddling is so effective.  Most people, even high school aged girls, can suck up the pain for the maybe 30 seconds a school paddling might last.  Yes, they often cry, but the whole process does not last very long.  Their bodies produce endorphines, which quickly help them better deal with the pain their butts feel.  Five minutes after the paddling, they may even feel like it was not so bad.  But the real lesson and learning begins around 30 minutes later.  Her body calms down, her heart rate returns to normal, and the endorphines go away.  Then the intense throbbing begins, the pain returns, and she realizes that she is not out of the woods yet.  Clearly sitting becomes a problem, but even walking produces discomfort.  The lower part of her bottom is effected by just about any moment she makes, so the pain never really goes away.

Another question, is what does a properly paddled bottom look like, 5 hours later, or the next morning?  If they were paddled the way many girls are in high school’s in the South, her butt is bruised and swollen..actually kind of hard to the touch.  The next morning most of the swelling will have gone down, but it is still a mess of bruises, and in most cases even more sore.  Think of your typical hard workout at the gym.  It is not so bad the day of the workout, but you sure feel it the next day.  If you are like me, 48 hours after is when I am at my sorest.  So, does a school paddling really work?  Imagine a punishment that is far worse 48 hours after it took place.  I have talked to girls who said that they had to squat over the toilet for at least three days following their school paddling, it just hurt too much to sit.  Now imagine that same girl, trying to sit at her desk at school in the days following her paddling.  She does not want anyone to know that she was paddled, so she tries to fight it, but from 8:00-3:30 for at least a few days, she is still being punished in a very serious manner.  As you question how bad that could really be, let’s take a look at what these young ladies see when they go home and look at their bottoms in the mirror after a hard school paddling.  How would you sit if your bottom looked like this?

high school corporal punishment paddling results

She will be sitting gingerly after her hard school paddling.

classic school paddle bruising

The results from being paddled at school

a well paddled bottom at school

Her petite teen bottom was paddled at school and will be sore for a week.

paddled at school

This is the result of a 10 swat paddling over jeans, as realistic as it gets, and these are the real results.

paddling at high school

All of the swats from this school paddling were applied low, but the ripple effect leaves her whole bottom bruised.

These school paddling images come from the full videos in the member’s area of

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Paddled at school, spanked by parents at home

about to receive her high school paddling

She knows that school paddle is going to bruise her teen bottom

There are many things going on in the head of a young lady that has been told she will be receiving a school paddling. The initial focus is generally on how much this paddling is going to sting her teen bottom. She knows the paddle is huge and she knows how hard it is swung. She knows that in a matter of minutes, she will by crying her eyes out as her poor bottom is paddled until it is bruised and sore to the touch. She also thinks about the humiliation and embarrassment of being ordered by this man that she barely knows, to present her teen bottom to him to be paddled. She will have to stand up, move to the center of

school corporal punishment paddling US

Grabbing her ankles and waiting for her school paddling.

the room, spread her legs wide, and bend over and grab her ankles. He will take his time, fill out some paperwork, and eventually call in someone to witness her paddling. She may end up in this position, grabbing her ankles with her bottom high in the air, for several minutes. It gives her much time to not only think what she did, the paddling she is about to receive, but for many young ladies the very worst part…when they get home.

paddled at school spanking at home from mom

Paddled hard at school and then had her bottom blistered by mom at home.

For many high school girls, the rules at home regarding a school paddling are clear, get it at school, get it at home. This serves as a reminder to the young lady that she is accountable for her actions, regardless of where she is. Any behavior that is found to be unacceptable at school is clearly unacceptable based on the rules at home. Many parents take misbehavior at school even more seriously than issues at home. Their daughter is basically a representative of their household and needs to be on her very best behavior at all times. School discipline issues can also affect college placement, something that most parents take seriously. As a result, the punishment that takes place in the home, after a young lady is paddled at school, is generally worse than the typical spanking she receives from her parents.

The spanking at home, following a school paddling, can be worse for several reasons. The 1st is the

school paddling then spanked by dad

A very sore bottom. Paddled at school, then strapped by dad, a real lesson learned.

fact that several hours before she was bent over in the school office, grabbing her ankles, while 6-10 severe paddle swats were applied to her bottom. A paddling while grabbing the ankles pulls all of the muscles close to the surface, so it really leaves a bruising on her teen bottom. She suffered through every second of that paddling, learning a very real lesson for the duration, and cried her eyes out like a 1st grader. Shortly after the paddling, her butt went from feeling almost numb, to a very intense throbbing. She suffered through the rest of the day, barely able to sit in any class. By the time she gets home, her bottom is so sore that her eyes still tear up on occasion. The tears do not come back as a result of just the pain alone, she knows based on past experience what will be next.

hairbrush spanking from mom

A long session with mom's brush help emphasize the school paddling she received that day.

There are many households in which corporal punishment is the primary form of discipline. Spanking is a way of life, and as they become older teens, it often needs to intensify. There is no sympathy for the girl with a bruised and sore bottom from being paddled at school, rather, they see this as an even better learning opportunity. These are not the type of parents that are going to go easy being that she was just paddled. If anything, the spanking is going to be worse than what she normally gets at home. It depends on the home, but you can guarantee her bruised bottom is going to be lit on fire all over again. It may be a trip into her bedroom for a long and hard session with mom’s antique wooden hairbrush while over her knee. Nothing reminds her that she is still acting like a child than having to climb onto mom’s lap for several minutes with the hairbrush. Mom might even give a little extra focus to the already bruised spots on her teen bottom to make sure this lesson lasts for days.

paddled at school paddled at home

Dad paddled just as hard as school, but on the bare, with many more swats

This may be a household where dad is the primary disciplinarian and she has to wait for a while before he gets home before her bottom receives additional punishment. Some dads handle it just like the school, with his own wooden paddle that he made in his garage. Unlike the school paddling, he never hesitates to have her bare her bottom for her paddling. He does not have any restrictions based on school policy, he bares her butt and gets to work swinging just as hard as she got at school and there is no way he is stopping at ten swats. He just keeps paddling until the job is done and her entire bottom is black and blue. Maybe he is an old school dad that only uses the belt. She has been sent to her room, hours before, waiting for him to come home from work. He enters her room and is quick to the point. “Were you paddled at school today”?

bare bottom strapping from dad after her school paddling

Dad makes sure to cover the spots the school paddled missed on her teen bottom

She answers yes, tells him why, and that is all he needs to hear. He tells her to turn around, drop her shorts and her panties, and he gets to work with the belt. This strict dad does not measure a punishment based on strokes, he goes by minutes. Four minutes of a non-stop strapping with his belt more than gets the job done. Her already bruised bottom is now on fie and covered with large welts that emphasize the point that was made at school.

For many young ladies, getting paddled at school is just the very beginning of their punishment. The photos used to illustrate this post come from the various member;s areas included with the Their sites have more than 250 realistic school paddling videos, with real teens paddled to tears. One pass gets you access to all sites.

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A hard school paddling teaches a real lesson.

Whether it is administered by a man or a woman, a school paddling can be a very painful event for

Teen girl paddled at school

Feeling the effects of a very hard swat with the school paddle...many more to come.

the high school girl.  There is no reason to downplay it, the reality of a school paddling is that it is supposed to hurt.  It is a punishment; its purpose is to teach a young lady a lesson for her bad behavior.  Swatting her bottom with a paddle softly serves no purpose at all.  The administrator at a high school who is given the task of paddling your lady’s bottoms is typically very good at it.  By good, I mean that they can swing the paddle hard.  They know that a hard swing is required and put everything they can behind that paddle.  They want learning to take place, and the most learning happens when the sting on her bottom is more than she can handle. 

teen bottom paddled at school

Full force school swats with the paddle on her big teen bottom.

The best administrators, that apply a school paddling, distance themselves from the process.  There is no anger involved, there is no yelling, and they are simply doing their jobs.  The student’s behavior is looked at, it is decided they are guilty of the infraction, and a punishment is sentenced.  When the determined punishment is a paddling, just as with any other punishment, they need for it to be effective and long lasting.  The young lady is required to stand up, bend over the desk, or maybe place her hands on the wall.  A large wooden school paddle is produced, generally from a drawer, but maybe from a nail where it hangs on the wall.  The student is instructed to stay in position for her entire paddling, and then it begins.  The paddle is lifted high in the air and brought down with as much force as can be produced.  If it is being done properly, her eyes fill with tears immediately, which is a good start.  The paddle is lifted again and brought down with a much force as the 1st one.  The process is repeated until her full sentence has been administered.

After a proper school paddling, the young lady will be crying, which means the desired effects have

getting her teen butt paddled in high school

Hands on the wall for a hard session with the school paddle.

been achieved.  Her bottom will be throbbing as the soreness continues to creep in.  If the administrator is really good at his or hers job, this is just the beginning for the young lady.  As she walks back to class her bottom is still burning.  When she sits at her hard wood desk, it feels like fire on her poor teen bottom.  But the next day of class will be even worse.  The deep bruising from the paddling the day before is still with her.  Sitting is much more difficult and she suffers through the day remembering exactly what she did wrong and promises herself that she will never, ever, do that again.

The gifs used in this post come very realistic school paddling videos in the member’s area of

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Waiting to be paddled at school.

Sometimes waiting to receive a school paddling is just as difficult as the paddling itself.  Two young ladies, sent to the office, and being informed they are to be paddled.  They are sent from the office to wait, while the paperwork is completed.  They both sit outside the principal’s office, knowing that in just moments their teen bottoms will be feeling the intense sting of the large wooden school paddle.  A witness is called in and the 1st girl is invited in for her paddling.  She places her hands on the wall and bends over.  The young lady who is nest cannot see the paddling taking place, but her heart drops when she hears that first swat land.  It is not quiet, it sounds like an explosion, and then next thing she hears if the crying of her friend.  The sound only intensifies, as does the crying, as 5 more severe swats are laid on, full force, to her backside.  The 1st girl comes out in tears and the second girl is called in…with tears running down her face before she even bends over.  She knows this is going to be bad.

Two girl school corporal punishment paddling

Waiting for her turn to be paddled at school

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Paddled in the classroom

While the typical school paddling takes place in the privacy of the vice principal’s office, some school do allow teacher’s to administer corporal punishment in the hallway, and on occasion in the classroom. This has the dual effect of punishing the student that acted up in class, as well as serves as a warning for other students that witness the paddling taking place.  Take as an example the clip below.  Can you imagine the effect this would have on other students when they actually get to see how hard a paddle is applied to the naughty high school girl’s bottom?

hard school corporal punishmen

A very severe paddling applied to this student's bottom.

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School Paddling from the witnesses perspective

For the most part, my job is fairly boring; I am a secretary at a small high school in the South.  I answer the phones, deal with mounds of paperwork, get coffee, even tidy up around the main office at the school.  I have two direct bosses, the principal of the school and the vice principal.  On a fairly regular basis, at least 6-8 times a week, the boredom of my day is broken up by an event that I have come to enjoy over the years, and that is school corporal punishment. Please don’t misunderstand, I do not get to administer any paddlings, that job is taken care of by the male vice principal.  While the principal’s duties are almost 100% administrative, the VP handles all discipline issues within the high school.  Every student that finds themselves in trouble starts at my desk and ends up in the VP’s office.  This is a Southern school, is a small rural town, and corporal punishment in the home and at school is not the exception, it is the norm.  There are no lawsuits, no complaints of bruised bottoms; it is simply a way of life.  Students not only expect that they will probably be paddled if they are sent to the office, but their parents also expect it.

School policy dictates that if a female student is to be paddled, there needs to be a same sex witness present.  Policy also states that students cannot be paddled by teachers, so that leads all discipline problems to the main office.  I will be honest, when I 1st took the job, I was not sure how I felt about being present for students being paddled. But, after many years of dealing with the attitude and sense of self-importance from the student body, I have grown to feel that they mostly deserve it and I have no issues with being present for it.  If I am being totally honest, I have grown to like being present, especially for certain girls who clearly need it.  I would guess the ratio of boys to girls being paddled is about two to one.  I would estimate that around 20 boys are sent to the office each week for discipline issues, with around 15 of those on the average receiving a paddling.  I am not part of that process as policy does not require a witness for the VP to paddle a male student.  I simply take their pink slip that they arrive in the office with, read over the infraction, and advise the VP that he has a student waiting.  I am also responsible for calling the parents if consent is required, as well as calling a parent to inform them that their child has been paddled.  All instances of corporal punishment require the parents be notified, and depending on what the parents checked on the consent form at the beginning of the year, they may or may not need to be called for permission.

I honestly tend to have a little fun, and add quite a bit of discomfort for the students, with my role in the whole process.  I am the 1st in line when it comes to discipline referrals in the main office.  The office staff is small, the principal, the VP, one other secretary (typically a senior girl doing a sort of internship) and during any given period, 3-4 student aids that help out, run notes to class, and do various odd jobs.  The principal and the VP have private offices, the rest of us share an open area.  This makes my work area a fairly open and common area.  With the staff, student workers, and various students that are always in and out of the office at any given moment, there are typically 6-10 people present in the common area of the office at a time.  The public aspect of this makes the whole process more uncomfortable for the student sent up for disciplinary issues.

The standard process typically goes as this.  A female student enters the office, walks up to me, and

teen school paddling

Waiting to go into the office for her paddling

waits with her pink slip in hand.  The girls these days seem to be always the same.  Skin tight jeans, or too short of a skirt, too much makeup, with the hair looking like they spent 2 hours on it that morning.  Their biggest concerns seem to be boys and not so much their education.  They are typically rude, lack manners, and are so far from what I remember being in high school.  I like to make them stand there for a minute or two with the pink slip in hand before I address their needs.  When I take the pink slip, I always read it aloud, there is no reason to make it a secret and it is basically like announcing their offense to the entire office.  There are a couple of chairs outside the VP’s office that are strictly used for those waiting to see him for disciplinary referrals; I then invite them to have a seat.  I pull the student’s info on the computer, which I am able to transfer to the VP’s screen, so he can see her history with him.

The corporal punishment consent form is part of that file and I am able to view it, but I always like to ask the student, it seems to help bring the point home and is one of those things that I enjoy adding to their experience.  The chairs they sit in are about 10 ft from my desk, so I ask loudly, enough so that everyone can hear, “Miss Jones, have your parents preauthorized for you to be paddled at school or do I need to give them a call real quick”? Regardless of the coats of makeup the young lady is wearing, I can always see the color change on her face as she turns bright red. It really depends on the girl, her attitude, her offense, and how often we see her in the office, but I may not let it go there. If it is a girl I want to make a real point with, I will continue the public embarrassment.  She answers, “Yes”.  My response is “Yes, they have signed the form and you can be paddled today without a phone call, or Yes I need to give them a call to see if you can be paddled”?  She replies quietly, “Yes, I can be paddled”.  “OK, I will let the VP know that paddling is an option today”.  Any attitude she entered the office with that day is now completely gone.

high school paddling girl

The moment of her paddling has arrived

The VP is never one to stop what he is doing to handle discipline.  He is pretty overworked with all of his areas of responsibility, so if a student needs to wait, then they just have to wait.  Generally within 20 minutes, he opens his door, invites them in, and closes the door.  I have rarely been on the other side of the door for this process, but it seems as though he is thorough. I think he takes them time to really talk to them and find out the root of the problem and discuss it at length with them.  Rarely does this process take less than 20 minutes.  The problem could be as simple as a 3rd tardy, but he really tries to understand each and every infraction and focus on how to eliminate it.  He seems kind and compassionate, and for the most part, it seems the students like him.  But for the dozen or so female students he see a week, the majority are going to end up being paddled when it is all said and done.

This is where my next step in the process takes place.  His door opens and I am invited in.  He always holds the door for me and closes it behind me.  As I enter, I see that look on the young lady’s face, as she now knows that a paddling is a reality and that there is not a single thing she can do about it.  He waits until I am present to complete the required forms.  He states aloud what she is being paddle for and how many swats she will receive.  District policy allows for no more than 8 swats for a single offense and in a single day.  I have never witnessed him giving less than three, 5-6 is most common with the girls, although I have watched 8 swats administered on multiple occasion.  It not only based the offense, but if it is a reoccurring issue, as well as how many times she has been in his office before.  After he has filled out the paperwork, he has me initial two spots and sign the bottom.  During the couple of minutes this takes, I have seen the tears start as the girl considers what is about to happen.

He is the second VP for this school in the ten years I have been doing this and he is very effective in his discipline style.  He is never angry, he seems to have their best interests in mind, and there is a very parental feeling in his approach.  He speaks to them gently, yet it is clear he means business.  I like that when he discusses any aspect of the discipline that is about to take place, he gives them full ownership of their behavior.  It is never just “a paddling”, it is “your paddling” it is not a paddling “they deserve” it is always one “they have earned”.  He is never going to take care of the problem, “we are going to take care of the problem”.  He then always gives a slight variation on the same speech.  He basically informs them that this is a school district that has chosen to utilize corporal punishment with the full support from the community.  While he was not part of this decision making process, it has been placed in his hands to conduct his job professional, yet effectively.  He explains that his goal in applying a paddling today to her bottom is to create a stimulus, applied in an effective enough manner, that he will never see her again for a disciplinary issue.  He sees no point in paddling a student in a manner that she will be in his office again and again, he prefers to only have to ever do it once.  As a result, today is going to be a painful experience for her.  But he also sees the process as a partnership and a long term agreement.  Her actions and behavior have led her to this punishment, he is not all that happy about having to do it, but he takes his job very seriously.  His job is to paddle her in a manner that she will never be back into his office.  Her job is to understand that her actions created this moment and that this paddling is for her learning and growth.  She is to take ownership and assist in her punishment by doing exactly what she is told and to maintain her position throughout, regardless of the amount of discomfort she experiences.  He views lack of cooperation and assistance as direct disobedience and will adjust the paddling accordingly.  He asks her if she understands, and then it begins.

His office is quite small so there is a bit of shuffling around for it all to happen.  He pulls the paddle

bent over for her paddling

Presenting her bottom properly for her school paddling

out of his drawer and regardless of the girl, or if she has been here before, her eyes go right to it.  I do have to admit, it is a big old paddle.  It is a least two feet long and wide enough to cover most of the typical teen girl’s bottom with a single swat, and ¾” in thickness.  I am pretty sure that I once heard him say it is made from maple, but I do not know my woods very well.  The handle is wrapped in some sort of cloth tape for a better grip.  Once the paddle is out he steps around the desk and I kind of squeeze by to stand where his chair is.  The young lady is asked to stand up and he pulls her chair away from the front of his desk and tucks it by the door.  He has her remove anything from her back pockets and place them on his desk.  She is then told to place her hands on the edge of the desk and he has her take a few steps back until she can barely reach the desk.  At this point she is told to bend over fully at the waist.  This leaves her

waiting for a school paddling

Assuming the position for her school paddling

stretched out, bent 90 degrees at the waist, with her bottom nicely presented.  This position seems to help them stay in position as he has modified it over the years.  Early on, girls had a habit of trying to put their hands back, but this position seems to help with that problem as they cannot stay bent very well like this and release a hand.  From my position all I can see if the young ladies face.  He is very clear with the instructions from this point forward.  He makes it clear that they will not move from this position until they are instructed.  Their hands are to stay exactly where they are and they are not to move their feet of bend their legs.  He tells them that it is for their own safety as “we” would not want this big wooden paddle landing anywhere except the place “God designed for such things”.  She is asked if she has any questions…often with a tearful voice, she answers “no Sir”.

paddling in progress

Feeling the 1st swat on her teen butt.

He then makes a formal announcement and begins, “Miss Jones, you are to receive 6 hard swats to your bottom for ___________”.  Unlike the previous VP, he does not start with a tap to their bottom for aim.  He simply raises the paddle high in the air and swings full force bringing it down onto their bottom.  The reaction, regardless of how tough the girl thinks she is, is pretty much the same.  First, there is a moment of being startled by how loud it is.  It is a small office, with tile floor, and cinderblock walls, so the noise from the swat seems to echo…and it really is loud, like a firecracker.  I am always focused on their face during their paddling, and it starts with the scared look from the sound, to a half a second of almost confusion as the body processes and the signal travels from their teen butt to their brain.  There is a tight squinting of the eyes and mouth and then it sinks in.  Their eyes become wide, their mouths open all the way, sometimes there is a shout, sometimes just silence, but the look is clear…they are being punished.  He does not space them out too far apart, but he certainly lets the pain from each swat

crying girl paddled at school

The effects start to sink in as her bottom is paddled

sink in nicely.  After 6-8 seconds, the paddle is raised high in the air again.  She sees it out of the corner of her eye and the look is always the same…fear.  It is easy to see that she wonders how she will ever take another one, and then it lands.  If her eyes were not filled with tears before, they certainly are by the second swat.  The lip begins to quiver, her legs and body begin to tremble, and the 1st tears roles down her cheek.  In any school office in the country, this would be already be considered an effective punishment, but he meant every word he said, he never wants her to be in any trouble at school again…ever.

I have to give him credit, after a couple swats I really start to feel a little sorry for the young lady.  Her butt is already bruised, there is no doubt, her body is shaking and tears are streaming, but he stays strong to the cause.  The paddle is lifted high again and brought down just as hard as the

getting her teen ass paddled at school

Hard swats with the school paddle

others.  This is three swats and about 30 seconds into the paddling, and this is where the real learning starts to take place.  Quivering and tears or replaced by shaking and full out sobbing.  She tried to be strong, but there is no getting around it, she is reduced to full on tears like that of a 5 year old.  She starts to give in a little to her punishment, she starts to accept her fate, she starts to learn a real lesson.  She realizes that she has no control over this punishment, she also starts to make those promises to herself that she will never be in this position again.  I can tell her bottom is on fire, most girls are just not prepared for how much a large wooden board being applied full-force to their bottom will hurt.  As she contemplates the severity of the pain, he raises the paddle and swats her bottom yet again.  I can see her world being turned upside down.  Girls this age are just learning that as they approach 18 years of age that walking around in their tight jeans, showing off their little bottoms, that they have some control over men, but that does not apply here.  The only thing her bottom is good for at the moment is a vessel for intense pain.  The typical girl gets six, so she is not done yet.  She is trying to hold her position but it is getting harder,

teen school discipline

It is clear she has learned a lesson

her legs start to fold a little, her hand is close to coming off the desk to grab her poor bottom.  He brings her back to reality with a sharp “BACK IN POSITION”, and I am always amazed at the results.  No matter how much she is hurting and how hard she is crying, she snaps back into position instantly.  The paddling is working, she is now doing what she is told without question, she is listening to directions, and clearly in less than 60 seconds, she is learning.

But unfortunately for her, there are two more to go.  The last two are not any harder, but not any softer, honestly I think he swings with just about everything he has with each swat.  By now her perfect makeup is a mess all over her face and she continues to cry hard.  She feels the last two like they were the 1st two and she is pretty much broken at this point.  He sets the paddle down on the desk and leaves her in position for a moment to just get it all out.

sore bottom from school corporal punishment

Her bruised bottom is feeling the pain

After several seconds he pulls her chair back in place and tells her to have a seat.  She sits as gingerly as you have ever seen anyone try to sit, as the chair is a hard wooden chair with no cushion.  One thing I have always wondered about was that cushion.  When this VP started, I know the chair on that side of the desk had a cushion.  I am curious if it was just old, or he purposely got rid of it for that 1st reaction when they have to sit.  Either way, sitting is barely an option, but he makes them do it.  I am then excused and the door closes behind me.  I think he probably offers them some kind words of encouragement and lets them get themselves back together a little.  After 5 or so minutes, his door opens and he walks her to the private bathroom in the office that we all use.  Every set of eyes in the room is on this tear stained face, and at this point her bottom is so sore and she is so upset, she seems beyond being embarrassed.  He lets her take as long as she needs to compose herself, and tells her to check back in with me before she goes back to class.

high school paddle

Feeling the burn

Eventually the bathroom door opens, and once again every set of eyes in the room goes right to this young lady.  Now, she begins to realize that there was a public aspect to her punishment.  In the office, with the door closed, it seemed to be just me, her, and the VP.  Through the pain and the tears, the totality of the circumstances did not sink in.  She now sees the student aids, the secretary, the half a dozen students that were in the office all staring at her.  It hits her that they heard every swat hit her bottom, heard every shout from her mouth, and heard her sobbing like a little child.  Her face goes red again as she approaches my desk.  My question is simple, “which parent should I call and what is the best number to reach them at”?  Her head drops as she realizes that her parents have to be notified as a matter of policy.  She gives me her mom’s cells number and I make the call.  “Mrs. Jones, I have called to inform you that your daughter was paddled at school today…Yes, yes she was…six swats total….I see, I will indeed.  Thank you”.  “Your mom wanted me to tell you that you can expect the same when you get home from school, you are free to head back to class”.

All of the pictures used to illustrate this article come from actual school paddling videos in the member’s area of

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Her 1st spanking ever, a hard school paddling

teen girl paddled at school

Her swat with the paddle leaves this girl quite surprised at the pain

There are so many young ladies in the US who are not spanked at home.  Corporal punishment is becoming less frequent in the homes of America, so it might come as a shock to the young lady who ends up transferring to a school in the South, for her high school years.  Imagine the 18 year old, high school senior, who is new at a school and finds herself in the office for discipline issues.  This is a fully grown young woman, who has never once felt even the slightest smack to her ass for being in trouble.  Now she finds herself sitting in front of a male principal or administrator and is being told that her behavior had led to the point in which she needs to be paddled.

For someone who has never even had a handspanking, the shock must really set in.  At 1st, she

paddled on tight jeans at school

Those tight jeans offer very little protection from a school paddling

may not even fully know what he is talking about.  Many principals call it “licks”, or “swats”, but there is no doubt that she quickly figures out what he means when he opens the drawer and pulls out a very large, wooden, school paddleShock turns to horror as she realizes that this paddle is about to be applied very forcefully to her bottom.  She soon realizes that she has no choice in the matter and finds herself following his instructions:

“Please stand young lady and move to the center of my office.  I want you to grab that chair against the wall, pull it to the center of the room, and then bend over the back of it. That’s it, now widen your stance, lift your bottom a little higher in the air.  I want you to keep that position until I have finished paddling your bottom.  It is going to hurt a lot, but it is very important that you do not move.  Do you understand young lady?”

a hard school paddling to tears

Receiving a hard paddling from the school principal

Just two months before she attended a school in which the worst case scenario was getting detention when she got in trouble.  She is about to learn that things work differently in the Southern states.  While detention was not much of a deterrent, this certainly is.  She is now bent over, her teen bottom in the air, presented nicely in her skin tight jeans, to a man that she just met 5 minutes ago.  She tries to convince herself that it will not be so bad, maybe he is just making a big production about it.  In the corner of her eye she sees the paddle lifted high in the air and then is scared as she hears what sounds like a gun shot.  Less than a second later, her brain processes the noise andshe realizes that it was the sound of the paddle hitting her tight little bottom.  Within that same

getting school corporal punishment

He raises the paddle high in the air to teach her a very real lesson

second, her brain communicates with her butt and she experiences just about the worst pain she has ever felt.  As the sting sets in, her eyes fill with tears.  She sees the paddle lift again….just 9 more to go.

This post is illustrated with pictures that come from actual paddling videos presented by Firmhand Spanking.  If you like real paddling videos, applied to the bottoms of actual 18-19 year old girls, then visit their site and check out the samples.  You can visit their site HERE.

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A paddling at school for the high school girl

This gallery contains 6 photos.

Why do schools throughout the US, but mostly in the South still use corporal punishment as a form of discipline?  Yes, many kids grew being spanked by their parents, maybe even spanked at school, but while most spankings at home … Read the rest of this entry

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