High school teacher gives severe paddlings to his students

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His classroom is one of the quietest in the school with very well behaved students.  Passing notes, chatting with their other classmates and just zoning out during class is very rare.  The reason for such exemplary behavior by students in … Read the rest of this entry

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Made to grab her ankles for a paddling at school

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It is clear that the pain that is applied to the bottom of a teen girl, in high school, during her school paddling, is the primary deterrent. A three foot long, wooden paddle, swung full force by an older male … Read the rest of this entry

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A very sore and bruised bottom from her school paddling.

Her friends thought it was funny that she had been paddled at school.  She is 18, two months from graduation, has had a job for two years, drives a car, and is the president of more than one school club.  But yet, even as a legal adult, she is still a senior in high school and subject to the rules, and discipline of that school.  Her friends think it’s funny because they have never been paddled at school.  Since she received her paddling, two days before, all she hears is, “Lori got a spanking”.  In between each class someone asks her how her bottom feels.  It has been said loud enough and often enough that pretty much everyone knows.  It is a running joke to watch her sit in class and see her squirm.  She tries to laugh it off, but it is not all that funny to her.

severe school paddling bruised bottom

Her bottom is severely bruised from her school paddling two days before.

She was sent to the office for her 3rd tardy to a single class, and this was her 3rd time this year to be sent to the office for tardies.  She had received a warning, then detention, but this time it was the paddle.  He gave her 8 swats with a heavy wooden paddle and it left her in great pain.  It has been almost 48 hours since her paddling and her bottom has not gotten any better…if anything it is worse.  She has not shown any of her friends, but if she did, they might stop making fun of her.  She is not a petite girl and her big bottom is completely black and blue all over.  He really laid that paddle on hard and she is feeling the results.  She has yet to sit down to pee, it is far too painful, she chooses to squat over the toilet.  She has not had a decent night’s sleep since her school paddling; her butt wakes her up throughout the night, throbbing unbearably.  They think it is funny when she winces when she sits, but it is everything she can do to not cry, it hurts that bad.  She swears she will never be tardy again.

strict school punishment teen girl

Two days after she was paddled she can barely sit down.

This very severe paddling can be found in the member’s area of RealspankingsInstitute.com

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A hard paddling for a high school senior in a Texas high school

high school girl paddled

All she can see is the heavy oak paddle that in moments will be used on her bottom

It is a very large high school in Texas, with a student population of more than 3000 student, covering grades 10-12.  Of the 9 middle schools that filter students through this high school, they are all schools that utilize corporal punishment.  In fact, even at the elementary level in this school district, the paddle is the primary form of discipline.  While it is still a large school, this town will always feel like small town Texas.  These students are not just paddled at school; they are often spanked at home.  Yes, most of these young ladies have not had a spanking from their parents since maybe they were 10, although many still get a good dose of dad’s belt when the occasion calls for it.  But for most of the high school girls, it has been many years since someone smacked their bottom when they misbehaved.

With a school this large, the discipline is divided between 4 vice principals, 2 male and 2

school paddle punishment

The VP reads her pink slip, she knows she is going to be paddled.

female.  School policy requires a same sex paddler at this school, so all disciplinary issue are handled by a VP that is the same sex of the student.  It is pretty much the luck of the draw as to who a student will see when they are sent to the office.  Whatever VP is available is who the student will end up seeing.  It is well known throughout the female student population that there is on VP you do not want to see.  She is considerably stricter than the other, known to paddle for most offenses, and always calls home to report the issue to the parents.  It is not that the other female VP doesn’t paddle, she just does not do it as frequently, and she is known to go easier on the young ladies’ bottoms.  The strict VP pretty much always gives the full amount of licks allowed under school policy and her heavy oak paddle with holes in it is legendary.

Texas school paddling

The moment has come, she will indeed be receiving a paddling.

Any girl with the misfortune of being sent to the office, that sees the door open of the strict VP, always experiences a very increased heart rate.  But that is also the sign of a very effective disciplinarian, when a student begins to get nervous, starts to sweat, and may even find herself holding back tears, before she has ever entered the office, you know the VP gets results.  When they enter her office, she is always very matter of fact in her approach.  She has them take a seat, grabs their pink slip and has a look.  It is not a coincidence that her heavy oak paddle is always on her desk, she knows it adds fear to the overall experience.  Every girl tries hard not to look at it, but it is all they can see.  While the VP looks over their pink slip, they study every inch of that paddle.  It is not all that long or even wide, but it is the thickness that stands out in each girl’s mind.  This is not a thin little plywood paddle, it is heavy oak, ¾” thick, and its purpose is clear.

high school paddling discipline

Bending over and presenting her bottom to be paddled.

This VP is not big on lectures; she does not really see the point.  This girls are pretty much adults and they know the difference between right and wrong and there is nothing ambiguous about the school rules.  They also know that if they break the rules, and are caught, that there will be consequences.  Unfortunately for any girl who enters her office, the consequences are almost always a bruised butt.  She always does two things, looks at the pink slip and checks the girl’s file for past offenses.  This is a large enough school that she can barely recall who has or has not been in to see her before.  Once she has all the information, she makes her decision.

teen girl corporal punishment at school

Here comes the 1st swat fo the paddle, she knows it is going to hurt.

More times than not, without ever having said a word to the student, she stands up and repeats her standard line, “Let’s get you paddled and back to class”.  It is as simple as that, there is not a long drawn out conversation, there is no lecture, the student is not given some speech about her behavior…for this VP her paddle does all of the talking. 

She stands up, grabs her paddle and walks around the desk.  There is no anger in her voice when she instructs the student to stand up, move her chair, and bend over the desk.  She is very specific in her directions.  The girl is told to bend over, place her elbows on the desk, with her lower arms flat against the desk surface. She in instructed to

teen bruised from school paddling

The reality sets in as the 1st lick bruises her teen butt.

widen her stance to shoulder width apart and to maintain that position for the duration of her paddling.  The young lady is told that any movement from that position could be dangerous.  She informs her that she will be swinging that paddle very hard and that she would not want to hit anything of hers that is not her bottom.  This always gets their attention and on occasion this is when the tears begin.  They know it is real now.  They know that everything they have heard is true.  They know that big, thick paddle that they have been staring at really is going to be used on their bottom. 

high school senior paddled in Texas

The VP paddles her 18 year old bottom as hard as she can.

No matter how much a girl has tried to prepare herself for what is to come next, there really is nothing to prepare her for that moment.  The paddle touches her bottom for the briefest of seconds, there is a brief pause, and then it happens.  An explosive sound, a moment of panic, the need to run, to get away, to be anywhere else, and then it sinks in…the PAINThis is not the swat on the ass she got from mom, this is not even the strappings she received from dad, and this is the real thing.  That heavy paddle, hits her bottom with such force it takes her breath away.  Her mouth is left gaping wide open; it hurts so bad, there is not even a sound coming from her mouth.  The VP gives it a moment to really sink in…the tears start, her legs begin to tremble, and then it happens again.  Her body and mind are conflicted; she does not know what to do.  There is no way she can take

paddled to tears at school

The goal is tears and the VP always achieves her goals.

this, it is unbearable, there is no way she can take another one.  The next one lands and the tears flow like a river. She finally finds her voice and she sounds like a two year old, simply making blubbering sounds.  Her bottom burns, it is on fire, there is no way this can continue.  Once again the paddle is lifted high in the air and brought down with even more force than the previous three.  She is reduced to a crying little girl, she just wants out, she makes herself promises to never get into any trouble ever again…and she still has two more to go.  This VP is going to see to it that this high school senior never once finds herself in this office EVER again.  She delivers the last two swats with all the force she can produce.  She knows that this young lady is in great pain, but discipline is her job, and she is the best at it.

bruised butt from school paddling teen girl

With her bottom bruised, sitting is difficult…and will be for days.

When it is over, the girl is still in shock, her brain is barely keeping up with all that has just happened.  15 minutes ago she was giggling like crazy with her friends in class, and now she is crying like a child trying to comprehend what has happened.  She finally realizes it is over and is brought back to reality when the VP speaks and tells her to have a seat.  She is on autopilot now, barely aware of her surrounds, but does as she is told and sits.  Her bottom sends an immediate signal to her head as her teen butt touches the seat.  All of the confusion that she was experiencing instantly goes away as she feels pain, more pain than she can recall ever feeling.  She sits as she was told, but it

strict teen discipline at school

Leaving the office having learned a very real lesson.

is almost impossible.  With every beat of her heart her poor butt throbs.  There is no sympathy from the VP, she was simply doing her job.  She sits back down, signs the corporal punishment form, slides it across the desk for the young lady to sign.  She wipes away enough tears to be able to find a line on the paper to sign and scribbles something.  With that done, she is dismissed and told to go back to class.  Four minutes of her life and it felt like a lifetime.

The video to go with these pictures is in the member’s area of Realspankings.com

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School Swats

For more than a decade Realspankings.com has been filming their “School swats” series in which young ladies are interviewed about their experiences with school corporal punishment and then they receive it.  They always get 10, full force licks, over their jeans with a heavy wooden school paddle.  This is as realistic of a school paddling that you will ever witness and we then get to hear the girl’s thoughts on the paddling after, in which they detail if they think it would have been an effective deterrent for them when they were in high school.  We also get to see their bare bottoms before and after the paddling to see the effects.  I assure you, bruised and blistered bottoms on every one of them.  On occasion, the young lady is paddled until she is full on crying.  Below is a close up look at the paddle the girls sign, 37 signatures, dating back to Feb 2004.

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School corporal punishment in Japan

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While a hard school paddling is fairly common for high school girls in the Southern United States, it is not quite as common in other countries.  In Japan however, while unusual, it still takes place.  There it tends to be … Read the rest of this entry

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Bending over for her paddling

There are many ways that young ladies are paddled in schools throughout the country.  The one thing that never changes, regardless of the school, the age of the girl, or the setting…she has to bend over.  A hard paddling is not safe with a young lady standing up, so at some point she will be bending over.  This also has a very submissive aspect, as she is not only going to be paddled, she basically has to present her bottom.  She might be bending over a desk, putting her hands on her knees, or even grabbing her ankles.  This is quite embarrassing for the teen girl to have not only put her bottom on display, but in the position that she is told to by the person that is about to paddle it.  Many principals like to leave the young lady, holding her ankles, bottom in the air, so she can think about what is about to happen.  And what is about to happen, as a large wooden board, lifted high in the air and brought down full force on her teen bottom.

school girl paddling

Bending over the desk to have her bottom paddled at school.

high school principal paddling

She places her hands on her knees and presents her teen bottom for a hard paddling.

school paddling Texas

Grabbing her ankles for a paddling from the principal, he will leave her here for a couple of minutes to think about her actions.

Gifs made from real hard school paddling videos in the member’s area of


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A hard paddling at school

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Neither of these young ladies has ever been spanked at home or paddled at school.  They were in for quite a shock on the very 1st visit to the principal’s office.  They were good students and never got in trouble, so they … Read the rest of this entry

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Four girls paddled at school for smoking pot

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Four young ladies are sent to the principal for smoking pot on the school grounds.  He thinks about calling the police, but chooses to paddle their teen bottoms instead.  In the full videos for this school paddling in the member’s … Read the rest of this entry

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School paddling in Asia

American girls are not the only ones who are paddled in school.  Here is a picture of an actual school paddling being applied to a group of teen girls in Asia.

school corporal punishment korea

Lined up, grabbing their ankles, for a hard paddling

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