Using a paddle and a teen bottom for direct communication with a high school girl’s brain

For 100’s of years, in 100’s of countries corporal punishment is used as a language, a language to help educate kids of all ages about the importance of doing their best and staying out of trouble.  There are many languages spoken, but in the US the primary language used to teach in schools is that of the paddle.  While each corporal punishment language used throughout the world has a slightly different effect, the paddle is indeed one of the most effective.

high school girl paddled

The long swing, with the body thrown behind it makes the communication much more effective.

A well thought out and properly crafted paddle has a way of making a very real impression on the recipient.  It is also a universal tool in that it is effective on both boys and girls, of any age.   Paddles made from hard wood such as maple or oak tend to much more effective than the lighter woods and a thickness of ¾” is really ideal for making sure to get to the seat of the problem.

student paddling

The security camera shows this teacher communicating effectively with one of her students in the hallway.

The paddle in the hand of someone who really knows how to use it allows them to communicate directly with the brain of a naughty young lady.  There are clearly times that no amount of words, or written rules, will have the desired effect in changing a young lady’s behavior, so this very effective means of communication is required.

licks at school

You can clearly see the communication between the paddle and her brain, a conversation her brain wants to end, but she has nine more licks to go.

The communication is quite simple.  A female high school student is required to assume a position that makes it quite easy for the paddle to be used, and hopefully a position that will make the paddle swats more effective.  The large and thick paddle is raised high into the air and applied forcefully to her little butt.  The communication is received on her bottom and then a message is quickly sent to her brain, alerting her that she needs to stop this communication immediately.

grabbing her ankles for a hard school paddling

Good use of position can help increase the overall communication. When she is grabbing her ankles, her bottom is pulled very tight, allowing the communication to be better received and longer lasting.

But this punishment has been earned and it is not optional, so as much as her brain is telling her that the communication between her bottom and the paddle needs to stop, she cannot make it stop.  She does her best to hold still and get through the pain, but for this offense, more communication is required.  Each time the paddle communicates with her bottom, her brain once again sends her a message that wants the communication to end.  One nice benefit to the paddle is that each communication with her bottom is just a little more effective than the last, making this compound communication. When it comes to communicating with a teenage high school girl, the longer the conversation the better.

school girl paddled

He is using the paddle very effectively to communicate with her brain.

Another major benefit in using a paddle to communicate is that once the initial “conversation” is over, the communication continues.  Depending on the effectiveness of the communication, she will continue to remember the conversation for hours to days.  A really good paddling will allow her bottom to continue to send messages to her brain for several days, which should always be the goal, the more time in which her bottom is communicating with her brain the better.  Why paddle her in a manner in which the bottom stops communication a few hours later, when every time she sits down at a desk, to eat, to use the bathroom, the conversation can continue?

paddled at school

Good communication in progress.

The end result in this complex communication between a heavy wooden paddle and a teen girl’s brain is that the brain learns.  The brain helps to reprogram her thoughts as to do whatever is required to avoid all further communication with the paddle.  When those moments in life present themselves, and judgment is questioned, the brain has a way of reminding her bottom about the paddle and allows her to make the right decision.

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