Real high school corporal punishment paddling video

Right now, most likely in a Southern state in the US, a young lady is bending over and getting her bottom paddled with a heavy wooden board.  The statistics from the department of education show, that on the average, 1944 documented paddling take place every day in the United States.  This does not account for all of the paddlings that are administered by coaches, and often teachers that paddle a student in the hallway.  From just the documented paddlings, this is an average of 1 paddling every 12 seconds on the average school day in the US.  The ratio of male to females getting paddled vary nationwide, as some schools do not allow for the corporal punishment of females, but for the schools that do paddle both sexes, females account for close to 40% of the paddlings that take place.  So with a paddling every 12 seconds, that is around 290 paddlings per hour.  So if you are wondering if high school girls really get paddled, or if this is all fantasy, the statistics show that in the next 60 minutes, on this very day, 116 girls will bend over for their bottom to be paddled.

So what does a real high school corporal punishment paddling look like?  I believe the school paddling video below is a very good representation of what really goes on when a high school girl is paddled at school.  These three girls were all at trouble at some point during the day and chose a school paddling over a suspension.  To speed the process up, and so they did not have to miss any more class than necessary, they were told to come back at the end of the day for their paddling.  The girls all report at told and then wait a couple of minutes for the assistant principal to arrive.  He reviews their disciplinary forms and then calls them into his office to be paddled.  The entire process takes place with a female secretary present; to assure that school policy was followed during their paddling.  The swats the girls receive are hard enough to indeed teach a lesson, but are not administered at a level in which someone could claim abuse.  While the real school paddling video below only shows the first of the girls getting her bottom paddled, and she manages to barely maintain her composure, the other girls do indeed cry from their paddling.  With everything considered on how a high school girl is actually paddled, I believe the school paddling video below really nails it.  This school paddling video, and the other two that go with it, are available to watch in full HD in the member’s area of

Real high school corporal punishment paddling video

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Using a paddle and a teen bottom for direct communication with a high school girl’s brain

For 100’s of years, in 100’s of countries corporal punishment is used as a language, a language to help educate kids of all ages about the importance of doing their best and staying out of trouble.  There are many languages spoken, but in the US the primary language used to teach in schools is that of the paddle.  While each corporal punishment language used throughout the world has a slightly different effect, the paddle is indeed one of the most effective.

high school girl paddled

The long swing, with the body thrown behind it makes the communication much more effective.

A well thought out and properly crafted paddle has a way of making a very real impression on the recipient.  It is also a universal tool in that it is effective on both boys and girls, of any age.   Paddles made from hard wood such as maple or oak tend to much more effective than the lighter woods and a thickness of ¾” is really ideal for making sure to get to the seat of the problem.

student paddling

The security camera shows this teacher communicating effectively with one of her students in the hallway.

The paddle in the hand of someone who really knows how to use it allows them to communicate directly with the brain of a naughty young lady.  There are clearly times that no amount of words, or written rules, will have the desired effect in changing a young lady’s behavior, so this very effective means of communication is required.

licks at school

You can clearly see the communication between the paddle and her brain, a conversation her brain wants to end, but she has nine more licks to go.

The communication is quite simple.  A female high school student is required to assume a position that makes it quite easy for the paddle to be used, and hopefully a position that will make the paddle swats more effective.  The large and thick paddle is raised high into the air and applied forcefully to her little butt.  The communication is received on her bottom and then a message is quickly sent to her brain, alerting her that she needs to stop this communication immediately.

grabbing her ankles for a hard school paddling

Good use of position can help increase the overall communication. When she is grabbing her ankles, her bottom is pulled very tight, allowing the communication to be better received and longer lasting.

But this punishment has been earned and it is not optional, so as much as her brain is telling her that the communication between her bottom and the paddle needs to stop, she cannot make it stop.  She does her best to hold still and get through the pain, but for this offense, more communication is required.  Each time the paddle communicates with her bottom, her brain once again sends her a message that wants the communication to end.  One nice benefit to the paddle is that each communication with her bottom is just a little more effective than the last, making this compound communication. When it comes to communicating with a teenage high school girl, the longer the conversation the better.

school girl paddled

He is using the paddle very effectively to communicate with her brain.

Another major benefit in using a paddle to communicate is that once the initial “conversation” is over, the communication continues.  Depending on the effectiveness of the communication, she will continue to remember the conversation for hours to days.  A really good paddling will allow her bottom to continue to send messages to her brain for several days, which should always be the goal, the more time in which her bottom is communicating with her brain the better.  Why paddle her in a manner in which the bottom stops communication a few hours later, when every time she sits down at a desk, to eat, to use the bathroom, the conversation can continue?

paddled at school

Good communication in progress.

The end result in this complex communication between a heavy wooden paddle and a teen girl’s brain is that the brain learns.  The brain helps to reprogram her thoughts as to do whatever is required to avoid all further communication with the paddle.  When those moments in life present themselves, and judgment is questioned, the brain has a way of reminding her bottom about the paddle and allows her to make the right decision.

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Paddling the high school girl with maximum severity produces the best results

He was not a sadist and he certainly did not find any joy or pleasure as a result of the paddlings he administered as part of his job as the assistant principal at a very large high school in the South.  The truth was that it was simply his job to handle all the disciplinary referrals to his office and it was a job he took very seriously. His reputation with the students was that he did indeed enjoy paddling young lady’s bottoms and that he always paddled extremely hard.  It was not a reputation that bothered him in the slightest as it was one that decreased the frequency of trips to his office.

school corporal punishment paddling girl

It is pretty clear from the 1st swat that he is making an impression on her teen bottom. She will struggle to get through the rest of them.

The truth was, while he did not gain any pleasure from paddling the many butts to come through his office on any given week, it did not bother him to paddle a young lady’s bottom as hard as he could and reduce her into a crying little girl.  He was actually happy to be able to provide this level of correction to a young lady that required it.  He knew from his own strict upbringing and a good dose of saddle leather to his bare ass from his own father, that a good old fashioned whoopin could do a lot to deter bad behavior.  So when a young lady found herself bent over his desk, or with her hands on the wall in the detention room, this is exactly what his goal was…not a punishment, but a deterrent against future behavior.

teen school girl paddled

That is the look of a young lady’s bottom communicating with her brain and letting her know that her behavior was unacceptable.

With the high school being quite large, covering grades 10th-12th, he ended up with many referrals over the course of any given week.  He would see girls aged 15-19, of all shapes and sizes, and for a variety of offenses.  He had basically two ways to deal with any given offense, a warning or a paddling.  If a paddling was warranted, the young lady in trouble was in for quite an experience.  All paddle swats were always given full force, the only difference between one paddling and the next was the amount of swats she would receive.  There were no ornamental paddlings, if a young lady was required to present her bottom to him; his goal was always tears and a bruised bottom.

teen high school girl corporal punishment paddling

It will be literally impossible for her to sit down for a few days without thinking exactly what she did to get her teen bottom paddled in high school.

He had long ago learned to ignore the crying and the pleading of the young ladies as he tore their teen bottoms up.  He honestly saw each and every paddling as a good opportunity for the young lady and was thankful that that had the chance of learning from him, rather than the more severe penalties that life could present them as they got older.  Some saw his ways as overly severe as he paddles a 16 year old girl to tears for her fourth tardy to a single class for the semester, but he sees it as helping her set good habits when the consequences are only a sore bottom.  He would rather help her get her act together while she is a teen girl than see her lose her dream job for always showing up late to work.  He knows that a few moderate swats will simply not serve the same purpose to her overall development as much a severe paddling that leaves her bottom bruised for a couple of days.

The same holds true for young ladies sent to his office for fighting.  Fighting at school is one thing, but when they are adults, a fight can lead to jail time or serious injury.  When he paddles two young ladies for fighting, all he is thinking about is how to make it as painful and memorable as he possibly can.  He knows from his own whoopins as a kid, that corporal punishment, when administered as effectively as it possible can be, has the potential to fully eliminate the undesirable behavior.  His goal is to produce a stimulus to their little bottoms that they will never in their lifetime want to repeat.  He knows it is not easy for them to endure, it is clear from their reactions to each swat that the pain is unbearable, and it is clear as they hobble out of his office that their butts will be bruised for days.  They will not be sitting comfortably for quite some time and that is exactly the results he is looking for.  He knows that after a paddling this intense, that the next time either of them is walking down the school halls, that if someone says something rude to them, they are more than likely going to just ignore it.  This change in behavior will carry on throughout their lives and he will have made a very real difference.  For every little school offense he is able to see the effect it can have on a young lady later in life.

girls paddled severely at school

Two girls sent to the office for fighting at school, feel the results of their actions on the severely paddled bottoms.

He wants every student that walks across that stage at graduation to go on to be a success and if by bruising some bottoms he can increase their chances, then he will gladly be that guy.  Take for instance the young lady below.  She is barely 90 pounds, with a tiny little teen butt, and she was sent to his office for letting someone else copy a few of her test answers.  She is a straight A student, she has never once been in trouble in her high school career, but now she sits before him having helped someone basically commit a crime.  He knows all too well that really smart people sometimes find themselves in really dumb situations in life and end up paying the price.  One bad decision as an adult has the potential to ruin someone’s life.  She might be the person who drove her boyfriend to the store in which he commits armed robbery, or work in the office where she overlooks her bosses creative accounting practices that she signs off on, either way, any of these decisions could send her to prison.  So his goal is to teach her that a single bad decision is one that can indeed change her life, so he decides to put that into motion at this very minute.  He is going to change her life by introducing her to a world of pain that she previously did not know existed.

bruised and sore from a school paddling

It does not matter that this is her first trip to his office, he is going to put the large paddle to good use and send her home with a properly bruised and sore bottom.

Yes, she is a tiny girl.  Yes she is the perfect student.  Yes, this is her first time ever to be in trouble at school ever.  His goal is to make sure it is the last time.  He does not have a special paddle that he uses for the smaller girls, or the girls who never get in trouble, he uses the same large paddle that he uses on everyone.  He sees this as the perfect opportunity to make sure she stays on the path for greatness she seems destined for.  This is why he has the job that he has, to help make positive changes to the lives of the next generation.  He does not see this is the time to go just a little easy when applying the paddling, he sees this is the time to give it everything that he has.  He knows that when this paddling is over that she will never make such a decision again in her life.  She tried it once when she was young and what she is about to feel will forever change her thought process.  This is his chance and he will make a difference.

teen paddling

She braces for the impact of the first swat to her little butt.

He does not just have her stand up and bend over his desk; he is going to make a production out of this one.  He grabs his large and heavy paddle and tells her to come with him.  He walks her through the main office, paddle in hand, in front of all of the other students and office aids, adding to her embarrassment and really making the situation feel even more real.  She is not just going to be paddled; she is being marched to her fate.  He takes her into the currently empty detention room and announces to her that she will be receiving the maximum amount of swats allowed by school policy…10.  She is not just told to bend over, as he tells her in great detail what position she is to assume, and gently corrects her posture as she does so.  It takes her considerable effort to comply with his demands of “place your hands on the wall…no lower.  Walk your feet back…farther.  Widen your stance…a little bit more”.  He is not just going to allow her to passively be paddled, she is being made to own each and every part of this paddling.  She is an active participant and she is helping him achieve his goal of providing a long lasting memory, beyond that of what her bottom will be feeling.  When she is in place and presenting her bottom in a manner that allows for the perfect target for severe paddle swats, it does not just start, she is left to think about it for a minute.

bruised butt paddling

The large paddle compresses her little bottom assuring that she goes home with a bruised bottom.

When the paddling finally begins he knows what he has to do.  He is not punishing her for letting another student copy off of her test, he is going to paddle her in a manner to make sure that she never does anything like that again in her life.  The large paddle is big enough that as he places it on her bottom for the 1st swat, that is covers all of her tiny little bottom.  He raises the paddle high into the air and swings with all of his might.  His goal is to compress all of the skin on her bottom, making direct contact with the muscles below the surface as he knows that this is the place where learning really takes place.  He feels there is no reason to just redden a bottom when he can achieve purple.  The swat lifts her onto her toes and then there is that brief pause while her brain fully processes what just happened.  Immediately he gets the reaction he was looking for…instant tears and full on crying, just from one swat.  This is how lessons are learned; this is the process for changing young minds and attitudes.  The very best part as far as he sees it, is that he gets nine more swats to fully make his point.

All images an animations come from the very serious school paddling applied only in the member’s area of

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Sentenced to a paddling after school

There are many principals and administrators, ones that are in charge of administering corporal punishment, that do their best to make sure that students do not miss any more class time than needed.  For many students, this means that once they are told they are to be paddled, that they will have to wait until the end of the day before they receive their punishment.  Instead of the administrator having to find a same sex witness and to go through the entire process over and over again throughout the day, he just has every student return after the last period.  He can then have both a male and female witness ready and the students who need their butts paddled, just line up outside of his door and wait their turn.  This really streamlines the process and prevents each student from missing more class than is needed.  Here is the sound of this very thing taking place.  The audio starts after the last boy of the day has just been paddled and we get to hear the final two girls getting their bottoms paddled.  He is able to get through the process in just under 45 seconds for each girl.  While a much quicker and more efficient process, he is not cutting any corners when it comes to the overall effectiveness of the punishment with each girl, as they both leave in tears. 

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Two girls paddled hard in high school…a recreation.

I am so loving the latest school paddling videos added to last week.  As far as I am concerned this is as real as it gets.  Two girls report to the school office with pink slips in hand and wait for the vice principal to review their infractions.  Upon reviewing their pink slips, they are each sentenced to a 10 swat paddling while grabbing their ankles.  The swats are very hard and very realistic as to how a paddling is administered in the high schools of the South.  As per most school policies, while the girls are paddled within ear shot of each other, they are not allowed to watch the other girl getting her licks.  I think the girl’s reactions to their paddling are also quite realistic as it is clear that these are fairly serious and intense paddlings they receive.  And best of all, when it is all over, we get to take a peek at the real results of a high school corporal punishment paddling and there is no doubt that this was a very real punishment.  Take a look at the animations below.  As an added bonus, I have the audio of the 1st girl’s paddling so you can hear every swat and her reactions.  Simply the best in real school corporal punishment from

high school girl grabbing ankles for her school paddling

Called into the VP’s office and told to assume the position for her paddling.

high school girl paddling caught on video

Once in position he lays on ten hard licks with the heavy school paddle, leaving her bottom black and blue, while the other girl listens and waits for her turn with the paddle.

grabbing her ankles for a school paddling

Just like in real life, he does not mess around with a bunch of lecturing and dialog, the entire focus is on getting her bottom properly paddled.

bruised bottom after a hard school paddling

How much does a real school paddling really hurt? When this video is over, the camera return to let us see what these young lady’s bottom look like after 10 hard swats. Just as it should be after a real school paddling, these girls will be bruised and sore for a few days.

If you would like to listen to the audio of the first girl’s school paddling, click play below.

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The sounds of a girl being paddled at school

On this blog we mostly explore the visual aspects of a school paddling though the use of images and animations.  have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a fly on the wall for a real high school paddling?  What does it really sound like when a young lady has to present her bottom to the school vice principal for some hard swats with a heavy school paddle?  Is it loud enough that other people in the office can hear it taking place?  Does he paddle her little bottom hard enough to produce tears?  If so, how many swats does it take for  the crying to begin?  Does she continue to cry after the paddling is over?  Does he paddle her with anger in his voice or is he professional and courteous in his approach?  Well, let’s stop trying to picture it all in our head and just have a listen to what sounds like a fairly serious school paddling in progress. Hit play below to listen to the school paddling audio file.

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A very bruised bottom for the high school girl after a severe paddling

What sort of potential for soreness does a real school paddling have?  Take a look at this young lady who just received the seven swats over leggings and panties.  I would have to guess that the old expressions “will not be able to sit down for a week” applies here.  There is no way that she will be able to sit, or even lay comfortably in the coming days after this paddling.  The very best part of this video is that he pulls her pants back up, grabs the heaviest paddle off the wall and gives her three more for good measure.  That was one serious paddling that I am guessing this young lady will never want to repeat.  From a very intense update in the member’s area of

bruised butt from a school paddling

The real results of an intense school paddling.

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Real school corporal punishment paddling video

The lovely Autumn has been a great addition to the member’s area of  She is turning out to be one of their best models in recent years, and more importantly, she has been made to endure some truly rough school paddling scenes.  We are not talking about the playful little swats you often see on other sites, we are talking about severe paddle swats that are intended to teach a very real lesson.  One look at her butt after a proper school paddling makes it clear that this young lady will not be sitting comfortably anytime soon.  Take a peek below at her most recent HD update in the member’s area of and you can see exactly what I am talking about.

school corporal punishment paddling

Bent over and presenting her bottom nicely for a hard session of school corporal punishment.

high school corporal punishment paddling teen girl

The look on her face and the reaction to the paddle swat demonstrates that this is very real school corporal punishment.

real school corporal punishment paddling video

The after effects of her corporal punishment make it clear that this was a very real paddling.

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Real high school paddling videos

This gallery contains 24 photos.

I can honestly say that there is nothing better than the recent school paddling videos being produced by  This most especially is true when watching scenes with one of their newer models Syrena.  She has the perfect bottom for … Read the rest of this entry

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The Anatomy of a school corporal punishment paddling

Step one- A high school aged girl, typically 15 to 18 years of age finds herself in trouble, in a school that utilizes corporal punishment, and is sent to the office.  The vice principal looks over her offense and decides that she needs to be paddled.  She is informed how many swats she will get and is instructed to stand up and to bend over.  He makes her assume a stance that is stable and that will allow for the hard application of the swats to her teen bottom.  He grabs a paddle that is large enough to cover her entire bottom and thick enough to assure that this paddling will do more than just sting.

teen girl school paddling

Bending over to have her teen bottom paddled hard at school.

There is no arguing on her part, as she has no choice at all in the matter.  Her parents has previously signed a corporal punishment authorization form, so regardless of her age, she has no choice but to accept the paddling.  He does not need to force her into position, and she presents her tight little teen bottom in a manner that is ideal for the application of pain to her bottom.  He reminds her to remain in position throughout her paddling or she will receive extra swats with the heavy paddle.

school paddling teen

That tiny teen butt is going to really feel the heavy school paddle.

She feels the heavy wooden paddle touch her bottom for a brief moment, and then sees it being raised high into the air.  Regardless of her age, size, or gender, the paddle is brought down full force onto her bottom.  The paddle compresses the outer part of her bottom and digs deep into the muscles of her butt.  The force of the paddle pushes her whole body forward and she tried her best to maintain the position.  The pain of the 1st swat is overwhelming and her eyes begin to immediately fill with tears.

teen girl school corporal punishment

The paddle is effective in bruising her little bottom and teaching her the lesson she deserves.

Before she is able to recover at all from the first swat, the paddle is raised into the air again.  She knows there is no way she can take another swat and she clinchers her fist in preparation for the severe pain.  The paddle hits her bottom on the exact same spot and she shrieks out at the top of her lungs, no longer able to contain the emotion and the pain to her bottom.  Her hands begin to tremble and the tears turn into very real crying.  Her 18 year old bottom is being paddled good and hard, in such a manner to assure that she does not return to the office anytime soon.

school paddling

The effectiveness of the school paddling is quite clear from her reaction. After 10 swats, there is no doubt that she will be well behaved from now on.

This process continues until all of the prescribed swats have been applied to her tiny bottom.  He does not stop paddling her as a result of her crying.  He does not begin to paddle her more gently as a result of her whole body trembling.  He makes sure that when all is said and done that her bottom is properly bruised and sore, knowing that in a couple of hours that the real lesson will begin for her.

spanked and cannot sit down

Her bottom will continue to swell and will grow sorer over the next couple of hours. Sitting will become a very real issue for her.

Animations come from the hard hitting HD video added to the member’s area of yesterday.  You will get to see this real 19 year old girl get a paddling that she will never forget!

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