Tag Archives: cheerleaders

Watching a cheerleader getting paddled at school

She still lived at home and had just moved to Texas with her parents.  She had graduated from high school just a few months before and was anxious to get out on her own.  Shortly after the move she got … Read the rest of this entry

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Hard school paddling videos…short shorts and yoga pants

When a young lady gets in trouble in high school, she is not really able to choose when she gets paddled or even what she is wearing.  There are many students who are sent to the office during gym class, … Read the rest of this entry

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Cheerleaders also receive school paddlings.

Cheerleaders stand out at any high school and are basically chosen representatives of their school.  Whether it is a football game, a pep rally, or a school fund raising event, these are the faces that represent a school.  They are … Read the rest of this entry

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A very embarrassing school paddling from a teacher

This gallery contains 5 photos.

In most schools that allow corporal punishment, it takes place in the school office, or behind closed doors.  There are many schools that allow a teacher to paddle a student, but it is very rare for that to take place … Read the rest of this entry

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School Paddling in the Lunge Position

In the many states in America in which school corporal punishment is still utilized, there are various positions used when a young lady receives a paddling. Being bent over a desk in the school principal’s office is one of the … Read the rest of this entry

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Paddling High School Cheerleaders

High school cheerleaders have many things going for them.  They are typically very popular, quite beautiful, athletic, and they get a lot of respect and admiration from the rest of the student body. They are often on display for all of the … Read the rest of this entry

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