Real high school paddling video

Let’s take a look at the reality of two high school girls getting sent to the office for fighting at school.  If it is one of 1000’s of school in the South that allow paddling, then corporal punishment is a very real option.  Should the principal decide that a paddling is in order, there is generally a fairly strict set of guidelines that need to be followed:

– The student must be allowed a chance to give her side of the story.
– The must be a corporal punishment authorization form on file signed by one of her parents.
– If there is not a form on file, consent must be obtained over the phone.
– The reasons for corporal punishment being administered must be explained in detail to the student.
– If the person administering the paddling is of the opposite sex, a same sex witness must be present for the duration of the paddling.
– The paddling may not be administered in the presence of others students.
– The paddling must be administered with a district approved wooden paddle .
– The paddling must be applied with “reasonable force”.
– No more than 10 swats can be administered for any given offense.

You can decide for yourself if is spot on in their presentation of how a real school paddling takes place in the real world is accurate.  In this free preview you get to see the 1st girl get one of the most realistic school paddlings I have ever seen.

High school seniors paddled for fighting- very real video

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School paddling policies

I have recently read some unusual school corporal punishment policies from various schools in the South.  These are not outdated policies from the past, these are school paddling policies from the 2012-13 school year.  Two schools that seem to paddle students often, require corporal punishment for certain offenses and should a parent not want their child to be paddled, then the parent is required to come to the school and paddle their child in front of the principal.  One of the policies actually specifies “firm strokes” with the paddle. Their policies are summarized below:

Community Christian School, Norman, Oklahoma

Students here are expected to say “yes sir” and “no sir”. Various behavior “will not be tolerated” and one of the consequences is “swats administered to the child’s bottom”, maximum 3 per day. The principal will administer all spankings, unless parents wish to do it themselves, in which case they must come to the school and apply the swats in the principal’s presence.

Highland Rim Christian Academy, Tullahoma, Oklahoma

“Anyone caught cheating will be dealt with quickly and firmly. It will result in corporal correction.” So will stealing. Corporal discipline may also be used for lack of respect, vandalism, and multiple lesser offenses. In this event there are now two options. Under Option A, the parent “is required to come to the school and to spank the child in the presence of the Principal or Administrator, or a staff member of the same sex as the child”. Failure to do this may result in the child’s expulsion. If the parent chooses Option B, it is left to the principal to decide to paddle the student, max. three “firm” strokes.

I often discuss the maximum amount of paddle swats allowed to be administered at any given time, but the school policy below, they actually revised their policy from a maximum of three swats, to no maximum.  I am guessing that either their paddlings were not as effective as they wanted them to be, or that there were occasions in which more than three swats were required. Either way, under the new policy, you can imagine some bottoms are getting bruised.

Commerce High School and Middle School, Commerce 

In the case of minor infractions, one warning will be given, and if the misbehavior continues, “corporal punishment will be used”. CP or suspension, without a warning, is the penalty for major infractions, and is specifically mentioned as a consequence for tobacco use. In a change to the rules, no maximum number of swats is now stipulated (previously 3). “Punishment must be applied to the buttocks only.”

The all black school below has a very interesting policy.  For students to even attend this school parents must consent to their child being paddled.  In addition, each week there is a weekly meeting, done at each grade level, and any student requiring discipline is actually paddled in front of all of the students in that grade.  The is the 1st policy I have ever heard of in which corporal punishment is mandatory and always applied in a public setting.

Memphis Academy of Health Sciences

This unusual and weirdly-named institution is a charter middle and high school founded in 2003 by “100 Black Men of Memphis, Inc.” and seems in practice to be 100% African-American in its staff and students. The document is a form which parents must sign agreeing to the school’s discipline policy, which involves a weekly meeting for each grade level, conducted by the principal, at which all students on the disciplinary list for that week receive a paddling in front of the other students. It is fairly remarkable that the school does this, and commendably transparent that it explicitly says so. This process “has had a tremendous impact on students’ behavior and understanding of what is and is not acceptable behavior at MAHS”.

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A bruised bottom from a school paddling, the progression of pain

I have discussed at length that a young lady’s bottom can indeed get sorer with time following her school paddling. Today I am lucky to have some pictures that show the progression of a teen girl’s bottom after a paddling. Take a look at the 1st two photos below and you can see what her butt looks like just an hour after a hard school paddling with a wooden paddle. The pictures show that the redness has begun to fade and you can see just a small amount of bruising starting to form.

bruised butt from a school paddling

Showing her butt the day of her school paddling.


Another view of her freshly paddled teen bottom.

The next pictures, taken the following morning show that her butt has really started to form the bruises. You can see the spots where the paddle made the most impact, as well as additional bruising from the sort of wave of skin being compressed from the paddle, even spots that the paddle did not make contact with have begun to show signs of bruising and soreness. There is no doubt when looking at the two pictures below that her bottom must be quite a bit more sore than it was the night before. This is all part of the learning process as a young lady wakes up to go to school.

bruised bottom from a school paddling

The morning after her school paddling the bruises have really begun to form.

teen bruised bottom paddling

A closeup view of her paddled bottom the next morning.

The final pictures are from 3 full days after the paddling and the bruises have completely formed. It is clear that this is a very sore bottom. More than 72 hours after she was paddled the full effects of her punishment have really set in. These are not just visual reminders of her behavior, but very painful physical reminders as well. The bruising covers much of her bottom, but the majority of it is concentrated on the lower portions. Imagine that bottom, at school, at a hard wood desk, trying to get through her day. There is not a second spent, in any class, in which she would not be feeling discomfort. The best part is, she knows why her bottom is sore, she knows her behavior causes it, and hopefully she knows that she deserves it. Regardless of how she actually feels about the paddling she received, she knows for sure that she never wants her butt to feel this way ever again.

bruised butt from a high school paddling

Three days after her paddling she is left with a very bruised and sore bottom.

school paddling bruised butt

Sitting at school will be an issue today.

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The process of getting paddled at school by a very strict vice principal

It was one of the largest high schools in that state with a student population of over 3000.  This school had two principals and six assistant principals.  Two of the VP positions were strictly administrative, two were direct links to teachers and everything related to classes, and the final two VP positions were dealt exclusively with student discipline issues.  One VP was for female students and the other for male students.  While the previous VP that dealt with the female student population had been a female, the present position had been occupied by a male for the last 8 years.

teen paddled in school

She knows her tiny teen butt will be feeling one of those paddles.

While this was a very large high school it was in the Deep South.  As with all schools in this part of the state, corporal punishment was alive and well.  There was no bigger champion for corporal punishment that Mr. Sutherland, the VP in charge of discipline for the female students.  He had grown up not far from the school and he himself was raised in a very strict Christian home.  He could not even try to count how many times his own dad had beaten his butt black and blue when he was growing up.  The thing he remembered most about getting spanked as a kid was how well it worked in changing his behavior.  His dad was strict, the spankings could only be described as brutal, but he felt that he probably deserved everyone he had received.  He did not resent his dad in any way for his strict upbringing and he felt that it had played a big role in the man he had become.

He took the issue of discipline in the school very seriously, this was his job, and he was a hard worker.  He saw even the smallest infraction at school as a distraction from the educational process.  The school was not well funded, the classes were large and crowded, the teachers were overworked, and he did not feel there were enough days in the school year to teach everything the state required.  He felt that every student should be 100% focused on the process of learning and that anything that interfered with the process needed to be addressed. His goal in life was to make sure that any student that found her way into his office only did so once.  Yes, they were teen girls and they would get distracted at times, but his job was to put them back on track and show them the error of their ways.  He worked hard to make sure that any trip to his office was one to be feared.  He was not the type of a man that tried to make friend with the students, he was not big on small talk, and he did not try to be social with the students in the halls.  He saw his role as that of the bad guy and he was very much the bad cop in any interaction in his office.

From the moment a young lady sat down in his office he tried to make the experience as

high school corporal punishment paddling

What is about to happen is emphasized as he slides the paddle closer for her to take a good look.

uncomfortable as possible.  His reputation and a frequent and very hard hitting paddler helped a lot to set the tone before a girl ever made it through his door.  The paddlings he administered were almost legendary and with the exception of new students during the 1st week of school, everyone had heard a story about someone being paddled by him.  Not only were his paddlings legendary, but so were his paddles.  He had quite a collection of paddles in his office.  There were a couple that had been made by the shop teacher, there was one he had made himself, and there were a few that had actually been given to him as gifts from parents of students.  His reputation and a strict disciplinarian was not just limited to the school, the parents and community were quite aware.  But this was the type of town in which corporal punishment was a normal, everyday, occurrence and he had the full support of the community. The parents appreciated his dedication to his job and how much disciplinary issues had decreased since he took the job.  He was attempting to bring the school back to the good old days when students were well behaved.  Yes, many of their daughters came home with bruised butts, but it only happened when they deserved it.

bruised bottom from high school paddle

Many paddles to choose from, which will bruise her bottom.

In Mr. Sutherland’s office the site of a paddle was about as common as family pictures in a typical office.  There were always a couple hanging on the wall, generally one on the desk, and a couple more tucked away in drawers.  He knew the powerful effect that the sight of a paddle could have on making a 1st impression on a naughty young lady, so there were always a few present.  He used fear and anticipation well in the process of a punishment and the first thing that any student entering his office saw was a paddle or two.  He kept his office door open at all times until he had a student in his office.  He knew that no student wanted to be in his office, it was a room that none of them wanted a part of.  As a student came into his office the 1st thing he did was have her close the door behind her, further adding to the apprehension as she now felt very alone with the man she feared.  While he varied how he applied a paddling, a 1st trip to his office by a student in trouble generally started the same.

After he had the girl close the door he would hold out his hand for here disciplinary referral form

teen school punishment

Assuming the position and waiting a very long time before her bottom is paddled.

and tell her to have a seat.  If there was not already a paddle on his desk, he would grab one off of the wall or from out of a drawer and set it on the desk in front of her.  This allowed her a little time alone with her thoughts, specifically the thought of how that paddle was going to feel on her bottom.  He did not possess a small paddle; they were all quite large, some with holes in them and some without.  Even if this young lady before him had been, or still was, spanked at home, the chances were good that she had never felt something as big as his paddles on her bottom before.  He would spend a few minutes going over her referral without saying a word.  He would grab her file and see if she had been in trouble in the past.  His classic move, also the stuff of legends, was to at some point pick up the paddle and gently tap it on his desk while he looked at her, still not saying a word.

He saw a school paddling as an entire process, not just the acting of spanking a girl’s bottom with a board.  He knew how to draw the process out and to make it as uncomfortable as it could possibly be.  He capitalized on every emotion that could be effective in preventing a student from ever coming back.  He knew from his own experience of being sent to his room to wait for his dad to come and blister his ass, that the wait for a spanking could be as bad as the spanking itself.  The brain can be cruel when anticipating major pain so he always made it a long and drawn out experience.  While a trip to his office was always a long one, he was never long winded in his approach as far as a lecture was concerned.  He knew that the attention span of teens today was limited anyway so he preferred for their experience to be about fear, anticipation, a little bit of embarrassment, and eventually pain to their bottoms.

paddled at school

Grabbing her ankles and waiting as he fill out the forms. He is in no hurry and makes her wait 10 minutes for her paddling.

There was the rare occasion in which a student was simply sent back to class.  Not every student sent to his office had really broken the rules; sometimes it was just the wrong place at the wrong time.  But is there was an infraction, especially one clearly stated in the student code of conduct, then a paddling would be administered.  He knew the student code of conduct book almost verbatim.  After the young lady had sweated long enough looking at the paddles and getting an evil stare from him he would pull out the conduct book and turn it to the page that detailed the infraction she had committed.  He would push the book across the desk and have her read aloud the rule that she had violated.  This made it all very clear cut and simple with little room for her to question what was about to happen.  He would something to the effect of “that is the rule, you broke it, and now there will be consequences for your actions…any questions”? Most girls were not brave enough to say anything and nine time out of ten the response would be “no sir”.

While the initial contact with Mr. Sutherland was often the same, how he chose to paddle varied a

teen bottom paddled

Deciding which paddle will cause the most pain to her teen bottom.

lot.  He did not want the students to start to expect the same thing in his office so he changed up how he paddled quite a bit.  Different paddles were used; different positions were utilized, and even how long between each swat varied considerably.  The next step was for him to tell her that she was to be paddled.  It was not really a mystery to her at this point, but this was part of the process for him, the formal announcement of the punishment.  He would tell her she was to be paddled and would tell her how many she was going to receive.  School policy only stated that a student could be paddled, beyond that, there were no formal guideline.  There was not a requirement for a witness, there was not a same sex paddler rule, the maximum amount of swats was not specified, and it was completely up to him as to how to handle the discipline he administered.  He had the full trust and support of the community, and while he never abused his powers, he made sure that every paddling he gave left a long lasting impression.

grabbing ankles for a paddling

Grabbing her ankles for her school paddling.

He typically gave between four and twelve swats, depending on the severity and frequency of the infraction.  The frequency was not based specifically on that particular student’s trips to his office.  If there was a trend forming in the school, such as smoking, then he would up the amount of licks any student would receive for that one offense.  Once a student was told how many she was to receive, he would go back into intimidation mode.  He would stand up and swing the paddle that he had been tapping on his desk through the air a few times.  He would then pick a couple more paddles and do the same or smack them hard on his hand.  He would basically take them for a test drive right there in front of her.  Once he selected a paddle he would have her stand up and tell her to get into position.  He utilized many different positions in his large office.  A young lady could find herself bent over his desk, standing in the middle of his office with her legs spread wide and grabbing her ankles, bent over with her hands on the wall, bent with her hands on her knees, or sometimes he would pull out a small footstool, place it in the middle of his office, and have her bend over and grab onto it.  Regardless of the position he chose, he was very specific as to the exact position they needed to be in.  Once they were bent he would fine tune their position.  He would tell the girl to widen her stance, or bend a little more, straighten her legs, arch her back, take another step back while extended her arms farther, and it could go on and on.  He saw this as important and he was not simply going to bend her over and start paddling her.  She needed to be an active participant in her paddling and she not only needed to cooperate, she needed to assist.  This was being done for her own good and he required her to help out through the entire process.

With the exception of the paddling itself, the next part was the hardest for every girl.  She had sat

school corporal punishment paddling

hands on the wall for a paddling with the big paddle with holes.

at his desk looking at the paddles and dreading it hitting her bottom.  She dealt with him just staring at her with the paddle in his hand.  She had listened to him tell her that she was about to be paddled and watched him test each paddle to see which one was going to hurt more.  He spent a good minute fine tuning her position and getting her into place.  She is now there, butt in the air, feeling very vulnerable and on display just waiting for that moment that the paddle hits her bottom.  The last ten minutes has built to this very moment and she knows how bad it is going to be…and then he sits back down.  She hears his desk drawer open and hears papers being shuffled.  She sees that he seems to filling out some paperwork.  Here she is, grabbing her ankles in the middle of his office, her tight teen bottom high in the air, and now he has some filing to do?  The reality is that he is filling out a corporal punishment report.  Policy does not require that he do this and he simply does it for his own records.  The reality is, he knows that this is the worst part for every girl that is about to be paddled.  He knows her bottom is just about quivering with anticipation of the paddling she is about to receive.  Once again, he sees this as part of the process, a very effective and important part and it is generally not over when he finishes filling out the form.  Most of the time, he will tell her to remain in position and then excuse himself so he can make a copy of the form.  He exits his office making very sure to leave the door open as wide as it goes.

With the hustle and bustle of a school with a student population of 3000+, there is a lot of activity going on in the main office.  With two principals, six vice principals, a dozen administrative staff, student workers, a receptionist and everything else that goes on in running a school this large, the open area of the main office can be quite busy.  There are never less than 20 people present at any given time including both students and staff.  He knows it is an embarrassing process to be an older teen girl about to get a spanking at school.  She is certainly stressed about how much her butt will hurt, but she is also stressed about other people finding out.  The occasional guy might brag about getting paddled at school and how he took it like a man, but this is never the case with the girls.  Ideally for her, it would be a secret that no one ever finds out about.  She does not want others to know that her pretty little bottom was paddled until she cried.  Any hope of it going down like that go right out the window as soon as he walks out and leaves his door open.  He is not shy about it and no one gets in trouble for sneaking a peek, it is really half the point.  He goes to the copier and makes a copy of the form.  He might even take a moment to stop and chat with his secretary and see who else is waiting.  She on the other hand in in the middle of his office, legs spread wide, grabbing her ankles, with her head between her legs.  All she can do is close her eyes as she sees people walk past his open door.  She knows everyone is looking and she can already hear the whispers.  She also knows that as slow as this seems to be playing out, that the news will be spreading around school before her butt feels the 1st swat.  But for him, this is all part of the process.  Some girls might be able to suck it up and get through a paddling as severe as the one he is about to give, but what she is going through at the moment, he knows no girl would ever want to repeat.

bruised bottom teen

Finally the bruising of her bottom begins.

After he has killed the proper amount of time he goes back in to his office and closes the door, always a little hard.  A full five minutes after she was told she was going to get paddled it finally seems that it will happen.  She hears him put down the papers and pick up the paddle.  He steps into position behind her and she feels the paddle touch her bottom.  She squints her eyes, clinches her bottom, and waits for what she knows will be unbelievable pain.  Unfortunately for her, there is one more step in his process prior to paddling her bottom.  While he has probably said less than a dozen words to her in the 10 minutes she has been in his office, this is not his chance to talk to her about what is going to happen and why.  He starts with basic instructions and goes from there, “It is very important that you stay in this exact position for your entire paddling.  The position is about more than me just having access to your butt for paddling it, it is also about safety.  I will be swinging this paddle as hard as I can and we do not want it to hit anywhere other than your bottom.  This is a thick and heavy piece of wood and if it hits anywhere else it could cause an injury.  Yes, the goal is to create a tremendous amount of pain, as that is how lessons are learned in my office, but we need to do it in a safe manner.  I will need your full cooperation throughout your paddling.  I know this is going to hurt you a lot and I know it will be hard for you.  There will be tears and it will be very difficult for you to endure, but it is your actions that led us to this moment.  I am not the one who broke the rules but I am the one that enforces them.  My goal today is to paddle your bottom in such a way that you will remember it for a long time.  When you attempt, and I do mean attempt, to sit down for the next several days, I want you to think of this exact moment and give some very serious thought as to if you ever want it repeated.”  He asks her if she understands and almost without fail he hears a gentle “yes sir” as he can tell that the tears have already started.  Now it is time for the next step in the process.

Every photo comes from a very real school paddling video at

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High school girls waiting for their severe paddling

It was her 1st assistant principal at the high school level.  She had come up as an elementary teacher and then eventually achieved her Master’s degree in education, which finally led to a VP job at a small middle school.  After four years as a middle school vice principal she finally was offered the same position at a high school one county over.  Her goal was to become the school’s principal so this was a good step for her. The middle school she came from, while in the same city, did not use corporal punishment.  It was legal in the state, but each district set its own rules.  As the female vice principal her primary duty was to deal with discipline issues for the 10th-12th girls.  She knew coming in that corporal punishment was widely used in this school, but only the VP’s could administer it.  She had no issues with corporal punishment; in fact all of her children had been spanked at some point in their lives.  One thing she did know was that she was not very good at applying it.  Her husband was the primary spanker in their home as she just did not seem to be very effective with it.  She had found out that the previous female VP handled corporal punishment herself and used it very often.

paddling high school girl

The 1st of five girls about to receive a severe paddling from the coach.

She wanted to make her reputation from day one and certainly did not want to come across as soft.  Her goal was to deal with discipline issues effectively and to reduce the amount of girls that found their way into her office.  She knew that a paddling from her would not really make the impression that she was looking for so she explored her options.  She looked into the details of the district’s corporal punishment policy and found that teachers were not allowed to apply corporal punishment in the classroom, but were not completely restricted from its use.  A teacher could paddle a student in the presence of a school administrator.  She asked around and no one could recall this ever happening as both the male and the female VPs had always handled the paddling of students.  Something else that she discovered in the policy was that it was not mandatory for a female administrator to paddle a female student, but instead a “same sex witness” was required if a member of the opposite sex was being paddled.  Armed with this new information, she formulated a plan.

teen high school girl tears from paddling

Bending over and presenting her bottom and she has no idea what she is in for…she will be in tears after just one swat.

She approached the male baseball coach, as he was as big an intimidating of a teacher as there was on campus.  She explained to him the corporal punishment policy and also let him know that her plan had been approved by the school principal. She proposed to him that in all instances in which she needed to sentence corporal punishment, that she did so, but delayed the punishment until the end of the week.  She did not want to have to call him to her office every time a female student needed to be paddled.  Instead, every Friday, during his conference period, she would summon all offenders to her office at which time he would join them.  With her serving as the same sex witness, she would simply call in each girl one at a time, and he would give them a hard paddling.  He asked her to clarify what she meant by a “hard paddling” and she informed him that she wanted him to smack their bottoms as hard as he could as her goal was for the word to spread and discipline issues in her office to be cut by 50% in the 1st month.  She explained that many girls’ poor bottoms would pay the price, but as a result, many would be spared, as once the word spread amongst the female student population as to who was actually doing the paddling, she speculated that girls would be giving second thoughts to any behavior that would land them in the office.  He told her that he would be happy to assist in any way she needed in her “spanking assembly line experiment”.

high school paddling paddle breaks

The coach paddles her bottom as hard as he can and breaks the paddle with the very 1st swat…a larger paddle will be required.

The 1st week of school went about as she expected which led to many young ladies in her office.  There were always those new 10th graders making the adjustments to high school that were just goofing off and thinking they could get away with their juvenile behavior.  There were a couple of dress code violations as it was still warm out and girls were trying to get away with short shorts.  There was a two girl fight that seemed to be carried over from the previous year.  She had one smoker, a few excessive tardies, and several girls who had skipped a class or two.  In general, it was not that far different from her what she had dealt with at middle school.  She was not a total hard ass and dealt with the issues as fairly as she could.  Several girls received detention, a couple were sent home to change and also received detention, two girls spent their lunch hour cleaning the girl’s restroom, and various other minor punishments were assigned.  Her smoker, the girls who had skipped class, and the girls who fought were all told they would be paddled.  She was a little surprised at their reactions to the fact that they were to be paddled, as it did not seem to bother the girls all that much.  Either they were used to it, got it at home often, or just did not see this VP as much of a threat with a paddle in her hand.  They were all a little surprised when they were told to report to her office at the beginning of 3rd period on Friday, but with the exception of that bit of information, they seemed to take it in stride.

severe high school paddling

With the new paddle in hand he gives her a second severe swat. She does a little dance as her body is telling her to run…but she has 6 more severe swats to go.

On Friday morning she sent reminders to all of the girls’ 3rd period teachers that the girls would be late for class, or if they showed up for class, they were to report to the office immediately. In preparation she lined up 5 chairs outside her office door for each girl to wait in.  After the second period ending bell, the girls started filing in.  She instructed the secretary to have them take a seat and wait.  They tried to laugh and joke a little, showing each other that they were not scared, while a couple were indeed quite nervous.  Even with the new female VP administering the paddling, getting their butts spanked with a board did indeed hurt.  But for the most part they were happy to not have to spend their time after school in detention and this was a much quicker and easier way to get their punishment over with.  A few minutes after the 3rd period bell rang all of the girls were in their seats waiting.

teen school spanking

One girl properly paddled and sent back out, while the next is brought in…four more butts to go.

The smiles and giggles turned to confusion when the big baseball coach arrived and walked into the VP’s office.  They began to look at each other, but convinced themselves that he was there for an unrelated reason.  A few minutes later, her office door opened and she appeared with a clipboard in hand.  She called in the 1st girl and each girl shared a look as they realized the coach had not come back out.  The 1st girl was shocked as she walked in and saw that the coach was holding a large wooden school paddle.  The VP looked at the girl’s discipline slip and reminded her, and the coach, what the offense was.  She announced that the girl would be getting 8 swats with the paddle.  She had taped a line on the floor and asked the student, the one who had been caught smoking, to put her toes on the line and to bend over and place her hands on the wall.  This student was in 10th grade and brand new to the high school system.  She thought that smoking would be cool and she was about to find out in a very serious manner that there was nothing cool regarding what was about to happen.  The coach and the VP changed places and he lined up behind the girl whose bottom was properly presented for her paddling.  The coach asked if he should close the door and the VP told him that she had an open door policy.  She wanted everyone, including those about to be paddled, to hear what happens in her office when a student’s butt is being paddled.

school swats for a teen girl

He has her adjust her position so her bottom is nice and tight and feels the full effect of very hard swats.

While the VP was not doing the paddling, she needed to emphasize that she was fully in control of these proceedings.  She asked the coach to begin and stated that all eight swats needed to be “very hard” as she see smoking in school as a very big problem.  He gave her a little smile and said “yes ma’am”.  He liked this new VP and did not want to disappoint.  His 1st inclination would not to have been to go full force on this little sophomore’s bottom, but he was thankful that there was an administrator who was willing to finally deal with a growing discipline problem in the school.  Things had been the same for a very long time and he was happy to be part of the change.  With the thought if making a real difference he lifted the paddle high in the air and brought it down as hard as he could swing.  The sound was almost deafening in the tiny cinderblock office, even the girls outside waiting to be paddled jumped a little in their seats.  Two things happened simultaneously as the paddle hit her tight little bottom.  The first was the sound of her screaming at the top of her lungs and the second was the paddle breaking in half.  Both he and the VP looked at each other as to ask “what now”.  She quickly hurried to the male VP’s office and asked if she could borrow his paddle.  The boys paddle was a little thicker and should not have the same issue.  She walked back to her office and the look on the faces of the young ladies waiting to be paddled was much different that they had been 3 minutes before.  She smiled and told them that she was sorry for the delay, but that they would get their bottoms paddled in just a few minutes.

teen bottom paddled

He does not go easy on her and gives her teen bottom a paddling she will never forget.

She walked back into her office and the girl was still in place, but with tears streaming down her face.  It seemed that 1st swat had really gotten the job done, seven more would certainly make the impression she was looking to leave.  She handed the coach the thicker paddle and said “7 more, just like the 1st one please”.  He took the paddle and got back to work.  After the 2nd swat she yelled just a loudly and began to tremble.  Her legs shook back and forth, almost like she was running in place.  Her body was telling her to run but she knew she had no choice to suffer through 6 more severe swats to her already bruised bottom.  The rest of the paddle swats were laid on fairly quickly.  She screamed after each one and her crying grew louder.  The sounds coming from the office had a big impact on the girl’s waiting in the chairs for their turn.  They could not believe how loud the paddling was, they also could not believe how badly the 10th grade girl was crying.  The two girls who had been fighting both knew they had ten swats coming and they were really starting to sweat it.  One of the girls who had skipped a class was already in tears.  She still got the belt on occasion at home from her dad, and it was never more than four or five strokes.  There had not been a single strapping from her dad’s belt that did not leave her in tears and she wondered how she was going to react to the paddling she was listening to at the moment.  She had not even had her turn and she was already promising herself and God that she would never miss another class.

students paddled

Two bruised bottoms, three more students still need to be paddled.

When the 1st paddling was complete, she had the poor girl, who was sobbing uncontrollably stand up and go right back out and sit down.  Before she had even left the office she called the next girl in.  The three girls in the chairs could not even look at her as she sat down and buried her face in her hands.  Her crying would last long after all the paddlings had been completed.  One by one the process was the same as each girl was given a severe paddling and then sent back out to the main office to sit until all of the paddlings were complete.  Each and every girl cried, there was really no avoiding it with a paddling of that intensity.  Five girls in and five girls out, all in tears, and all with very bruised bottoms.  When she had five very tearful girls in the chairs outside her office she walked out and told them all that this was the new reality in the school.  She explained that she understands that they are teens and that they are going to push the boundaries a bit, but it needed to be clear that this would always be the results.  She asked them to all tell their friends because this was the paddling that every female student could expect for misbehavior.  With that said she sent the tearful girls back to the 3rd period class.  She thanked the coach and told him how very much she appreciated his assistance.  She then returned the paddle and walked down to the woodshop.  She took the broken paddle with her and explained the problem she was having.  She told him that she needed a paddle that was a little bit bigger, quite a bit thicker, and made from a harder wood.  She said it would get less and less use over the next semester but that she wanted to be prepared for the worst case scenario.  Three months later as she prepared for a Friday paddling, she only had to pull one chair in front of her office and it was the 1st paddling in three weeks.



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Video of cheerleaders being paddled at school

An amazing update this week at If you are a fan of school paddling videos, this week’s update will blow your mind. Two girl, both under the age of 20 bend over for a very real school paddling video you will never forget. They are forced to turn around, flip up their little cheer skirts and are paddled on their cheer spanky shorts. This is a hard school paddling video and when it is over you can see that the lowest parts of their bottoms are black and blue. One of the girls is in tears before it is all over. One of the best school paddling videos I have seen in quite some time…only at Here is a small sample:

school paddling video

Highlights from a school paddling video in which two cheerleaders get a very hard paddling.

school paddling video real

This cheerleader end up crying from her paddling in this school video.

real school paddling video

The second girl gets 10 severe swats in this school paddling video.

school paddling videos real

The bruises on their bottoms demonstrate how real this school paddling video is.

Exclusive school paddling video courtesy of



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Celebrating the beauty of the 18 year old bottom…about to receive a school paddling

This gallery contains 21 photos.

When an 18 year old high school senior girl finds herself in trouble, it takes much professionalism from the person tasked with paddling her bottom. Let’s be honest, the person before him is now a legal adult. She is also … Read the rest of this entry

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The principal paddles the girls in the hallway for all of the students to hear

school paddling in the hall

Pulled from class to be paddled in the hall.

As schools rarely allow a student to be punished in front of other students, it is not very common for a paddling to be administered in a public manner where other students are able to watch.  However, this is not to say that when a young lady finds herself getting licks at school, that it is not an event that other students are aware of.  Some principals take advantage of the public aspect of a school paddling to add to the overall effectiveness of the punishment.  It is one thing for a girl to get paddled in the privacy of the principal’s office where no one is even aware she was paddled, but it becomes a far different experience when other students are very aware of her paddling.

There are many school principals that never paddle in their office and instead choose to do it in the school hallway.  One of the main purposes of this is the added embarrassment of everyone in school knowing that a girl has been paddled.  She might be able to suck it up and take a paddling, regardless of how much it hurts, but it is quite embarrassing when other students in the school not only know that she was paddled, but in many cases are able to hear it.  Add to this whole concept the fact that after she is paddled in the hallway, she is sent right back into class.  When she is paddled in the office, she is often able to have a few minutes to get back to class.  This allows her to stop in the school restroom and compose herself.  She is able to wipe away the tears, fix her makeup, and with the exception of her sore and bruised bottom that only she is aware of, no one in the classroom even knows why she came into class late.  There are no visible signs that she just bent over, grabbed her ankles, and had her teen bottom spanked at school.

In contrast to the above method of applying corporal punishment at school, there are those

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Everyone is going to hear the paddling she is about to receive.

principals that have a young lady in their office and tell her that she is indeed going to be paddled and that he will track her down later to administer it.  First of all, this creates much stress and anxiety for the student as she does not know when and where she will be paddled.  This is an effective disciplinary tool as it gives her a lot more time to think about what she did and what the results will be.  As a student at this school, she must be quite aware that when he does paddle her butt, it will be done during one of her classes.  She is horrified to think that during any given class that the door might open and she will be called out in the hall.  Her best friends might be in that class, even her boyfriend might be there when that fateful moment arrives.

She spends her day focused on how bad the paddling will be.  She is also focused on what class she will be in and who will be listening to her paddling in the hallway.  It has probably also occurred to her that she may cry during her paddling and will be sent right back in to class.  It is one thing for the news to spread around the school that she got spanked, but to be that girl who comes back into class, actively crying, that memory takes a while to fade.  But this is one of the things that make a school paddling, done in this public sort of way, quite effective.  The decision process about breaking school rules is altered if it is not just about her

real school paddling picture

The principal pulls her from class for a school paddling that all of the students will hear.

bottom being bruised.  She needs to consider all the variables before making a decision to misbehave.  Not wanting to be an older teen girl, getting a spanking with a big paddle, where all her friends can hear, and then be sent right back into class, can be quite a motivator for good behavior.

But for that unfortunate girl that misbehaves and is sentenced a paddling, all she can do is wait.  The principal is easily able to look up her class schedule and track her down at whatever point in the day he feels is best.  With his paddle in hand he walks to her classroom and knocks on the door as he opens it.  He politely asks the teacher if he can borrow Miss whoever for a few minutes.  She turns bright red the moment the door opens and the principal appears with a large wooden paddle in his hand.  The moment her name is announced every eye in the room locks onto her.  She knew it was coming, but it is far more embarrassing than she ever could have imagined.  She slowly walks to the door as everyone watches closely.  All of the guys that have ever admired her teen butt in those tight jeans now have an image of her bending over and getting it spanked.  The door closes and while the teacher would like to keep on teaching, she knows from experience that not one student will be focused on the lesson of the day until the paddling is complete.  Every ear in the room is hyper focused on the sounds in the hallway waiting to hear that first crack of the paddle on her bottom.  A few of the students feel sorry for her, but most of them are slightly entertained at the thought of a 17 year old girl getting a spanking at school.

teen school paddling video

Brought into the hall, presenting her bottom, and now for her paddling.

Once she leaves the class and goes into the hallway he is all business.  Her transgressions have already been covered and she knows why she is going to be paddled.  He might remind her of how many swats she is getting, but that is it as far as formalities.  She is then required to assume the position for her paddling.  Some principals prefer for a young lady to bend over and put her hands on the wall or lockers, others require a student to bend over with her hands on her knees or grabbing her ankles.  Regardless of the position, once her bottom is properly presented to be paddled, it is time to begin.  What makes this paddling so very different from one that takes place in his office is that he is not only paddling her butt to teach her a lesson, as he knows this paddling is going to be heard in at least 5-6 classrooms that are on that same hallway.  He is about to send a message to every student to be on their best behavior.  A gentle little paddling in this situation would only encourage bad behavior; he needs as many students as possible to hear exactly what happens when their butts are literally in trouble.

With the motivation to teach her a very real lesson and to send a message throughout the school,

Getting paddled at school

Her school paddling begins.

he raises that paddle and brings it down in a way that she will always remember.  With the tile floors and only lockers lining the wall, the sound explodes through the hallway, reverberating in a very loud manner.  For those students that are not in her classroom, whatever they were doing stops instantly.  Now the ears of 100+ students are focused on the sounds outside their class.  At this school all the students know exactly what this sound means.  As hard as he swats her butt with the paddle, the 1st thing every student hears after the crack of the paddle is the sound of her learning.  Even while being paddled in a somewhat public setting, as had as she tried, she cannot withhold the sounds of pain from being paddled.  With every swat she lets out a gasp, a bit of a shriek, which quickly leads to the sound of sobbing.  Any student in a classroom close to where she is being paddled quickly realizes that it is a girl that is being paddled.

school girl paddled

Taken right back to class after her paddling with tears still in her eyes.

After 8 very hard swats to her teen butt, the echo of the last swat dies down and all that can be heard is sobbing.  Unfortunately for her, the public aspect of her paddling is not over.  He knows that many students just heard 1st hand what a real school paddling sounds like, but now it is time to show at least some of them.  She does not get time to calm down or compose herself as he tells her to stand up.  At this point she is not even focused on who just heard her paddling or the fact that she is crying, all she can think about is how much her bottom hurts.  She grabs her butt and tries to rub away the pain, but it does not do any good.  He tells her she needs to get back to class and walks over and opens the door for her.  With tears still running down her face and her makeup smeared around her eyes, she walks back into the classroom, still holding her bruised bottom.  She is pulled away from the pain for a moment as she once again sees every eye in the room looking directly at her.  Her friends look embarrassed for her, but more than half of the class seems to be smiling.  As loud as it was, as upset as she clearly is, the truth is that they find it amusing when a cute girl gets her perfect little teen bottom spanked at school.

The principal apologizes to the teacher for the distraction, excuses himself, and closes the door.

teen girl school paddling

A bruised bottom and a lesson learned.

She walks to her desk and a few can’t help but giggle as she winces in pain as she sits down.  Still crying from the pain her bottom feels, and now from the full embarrassment she is experiencing, she buries her head in her arms on her desk and continues to cry.  When the bell rings and class is over, there is a certain buzz in the hallway as students from other classrooms gather trying to find out who was paddled.  It does not take a detective to notice the tear stained face of one particular girl, plus everyone in her class is already spreading the word.  She takes a moment in the bathroom to clean herself up and to fix her makeup before her next class.  As she walks to her next class she hears the whispers and she sees the occasional person pointing at her.  As she walks into her next class, once again, every eye in the room goes right to her.  She walks to her desk and once again winces as she sits down.  The giggles begin again and she buries her face in her hands and begins to gently sob all over again.

All pictures and animation come from the school paddling videos that are part of the

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A very sore bottom from a school paddling

bruised bottom from a school paddling

A very bruised bottom a few hours after a hard school paddling.

It generally happens a couple hours after a girl has had her bottom paddled at school.  Getting her butt paddled is certainly a very painful event, but at some point during, or shortly after, her paddling, the body starts to take care of things.  Extreme pain is combated by the body by the production of endorphins.  The body is an amazing thing and sometimes during a paddling a teen girl’s bottom might actually go numb as a result of endorphins.  She wipes away the tears and heads back to class and there is a point that she might think that it is not as bad as she thought it was going to be.  Yes it hurt, yes she cried, but now, 10 minutes after, her butt seems to be doing ok.

Endorphins combat immediate pain but they do not last forever.  Generally after about 30 minutes they start to wear off.  She might be sitting in a hard wooden desk in class when the sensations start to return.  The numbness gives way to a gentle tingling, which in itself is not so bad.  Slowly this tingling gives way to a localized throbbing and starts to

bruised bottom from a school paddling

The real results of a hard school paddling are quite clear.

become what can only described as pain.  After an hour or so after her paddling, the throbbing really builds and starts to consume her thoughts.  She realizes that it might indeed be as bad as she thought and as time passes, it becomes much worse than she expected.

By the time several hours have passed she begins to realize that her punishment is not over and that it is really just beginning.  To go along with the throbbing the muscles in her bottom begin to really tighten up.  It is like she had the longest glut workout of her life and every muscle in her bottom is rebelling.  She realizes that simple tasks such as walking, bending, and most especially sitting, cause her great discomfort.  By the time she gets home from school that day she is in more pain than she was just moments after the paddling.

teen school paddling bruises

Checking her bottom in the mirror after her school paddling.

That night she takes a look in the mirror and sees that the bruises have already begun to take shape.  Her bottom is black and blue, especially on the right butt cheek.  She has big bulls eye marks on the bottom of each butt cheek where the paddle compressed her skin, dug deep into her muscles, and then the waves spread out from there.  At this point it is not just movement of those muscles that felt the paddle, or sitting that provides discomfort, it now fully exists all of the time. Her little butt throbs with every beat of her heart and there is a pounding that she feels all of the time.

When she goes to bed that night, she realizes that she will be sleeping on her side or her stomach, and that lying on her back is not an option.  Her poor bottom aches all of the time, but now putting any pressure on it is out of the question.  She tosses and turns all night long as her aching butt wakes her up every few minutes.  When she gets out of bed the next morning it is like every muscle in her

school paddling bruises butt

Sleeping in her side with nothing touching her bottom after a very hard school paddling.

butt has seized up.  It takes a few moments before she can even commit to the 1st step.  She finds herself squatting over the toilet to pee as there is not a chance that her butt could handle the hard seat.  As she showers she does not even really touch her butt, it is far too sore for a wash cloth to be rubbed on it.  The tight jeans that she typically wears are not an option as she elects to wear lose fitting sweat pants.  The ride to school is brutal, even on the padded seats of her mom’s car and she feels every bump in the road.

She arrives at school and quickly finds out that as bad as all of this has been for her that it is now that her real punishment begins.  The bell rings and she hurries to class and then has to sit down at the hard wooden seat of a high school desk.  She has no choice but to sit as class has started.  She winces in pain as her bottom touches the seat, within a minute she is trying to hide the tears in her eyes from her classmates.

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Hard school paddling videos…short shorts and yoga pants

When a young lady gets in trouble in high school, she is not really able to choose when she gets paddled or even what she

teen school paddling video

The effects of the paddle are clear.

is wearing.  There are many students who are sent to the office during gym class, cheer practice, or during any other school activity in which they have changed from their regular school clothes.

On this week’s update at  and they play off of this exact theme.  At we see a young lady caught smoking after cheer practice and she is sent to the principal wearing the tiny little practice uniforms that we often see cheerleaders wearing when they are not in the full uniforms.  She takes one hell of a paddling on her tiny teen butt and as a result of her short shorts, we can actually see the bruises forming low on her bottom.  He uses a giant paddle and you have to wonder how such a small girl can take such a hard paddling.  I kid you not, this is a very intense, hard hitting paddling video that is not to be missed.

teen paddling videos at school

Paddled hard on her short shorts and you can see the bruises forming on her bottom.

school paddling video

You can see the bruises on her teen bottom through her yoga pants.

On, I really loved this scene as well.  It mixes a couple of things we rarely see in school paddling videos.  The 1st is the fact that she is wearing skin tight, white, yoga pants that are so shear, you can actually see how bad the paddle is bruising her bottom through her pants.  Look closely at the picture and you can see big purple marks on her bottom, through her pants.  This scene is also quite unique in that she is paddled in the “lunge position”.  I have read of true accounts in which schools have utilized this position for a paddling, and here we get to see it actually take place.  As with the previous scene, this is a full force paddling, with a giant wooden paddle, that lifts her off of her feet with each swat of the paddle.

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Getting her bottom paddled at school in the lunge position.

These are not playful little paddlings for those of you looking for fun spanking videos.  This is real, honest to goodness, hard hitting school corporal punishment.  These are not spankings designed to leave a bottom pink, these are severe paddling videos that leave a teen girl’s bottom black and blue.  These scenes are from this week’s updates to and and are exclusive to these sites.  Enjoy!

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